To understand how much a discomfort dry eye syndrome is, try standing before a blowing electric fan for several minutes with your eyes wide open. Your eyes will feel dry, gritty, scratchy and will turn red. You will experience a burning and itching sensation, and light sensitivity. Specialists said, when you are so focused on your work, or when you are watching or reading, you forget to blink. Blinking is a natural action that keeps the ocular surface healthy, and if you don't blink, it causes evaporative tear loss. Staying up late, working too long in an air-conditioned room or exposing yourself to cigarette smoke are other factors that contribute to situational dry eyes.
To remedy dry eyes syndrome, you should determine what is causing it in the first place. Call center agents, encoders and other people who work long hours at the computer should position their monitor slightly below eye level as this allows the eyes to be partly covered (thus protected) by the lids.
BE aware, when using computer, or watching tv, or reading a book for hours, take a break every 15 minutes to close your eyes for a minute or two. Applying eye drops is another effective way of relieving dry eye syndrome.