A japanese doctor have discovered the necessity of drinking at least 2 liters of water daily t oprevent all kinds of diseases known to man-from common colds to morbid cancer. Why? How? The first and foremost work of water in our body is to detoxify thus allowing perfect blood circulation and making healthy toxic free cells.
Q: How is our body related to our water intake?
A: 60% of our body weight is water coordinating with our 100 trillion cells in the body with the following portion:
8%in the blood
25% in the spaces between the cells
67% inside the cells
Considering the above data let us all be aware of the fact that -water really means LIFE.
For starters: Drink 12 glasses water a day/ 1 glass every hour, a glass before every meal & a glass 1 hour after every meal.
Later: 1 liter before breakfast/1 liter in the afternoon
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