Because happiness is a personal thing, people have different definitions of happiness.What can make one person happy may not appeal to another. A glass of water could bring happiness to someone really thirsty , but will not elicit the same value when he is no longer parched.
Truth 1. Comparison is the cause of unhapiness. IN the poem Desiderata it says: Never compare yourself with others for always there will be lesser and greater person than yourself.
Truth 2. Be happy now . Do not view happiness in the future by making conditions. Like saying " I will be happy when i am already a billionaire ."
Truth 3. Happiness is not a condition but an attitude . Happiness depends on how we react to what happens to us . Happiness or misery depends on our disposition s and not on our circumstances.
Truth 4. A shift of focus can boost your happiness factor . St. francis oncee complained that he had no shoes until he saw someone without feet.
Truth 5. BE AWARE that gloominess and pessimism can be "inherited" by a child from his parents: the same is truewith happiness and optimism.
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