My Headlines

Monday, December 29, 2008


psychologist,counselors, human development experts have given us guidelines to differntiate love from infatuation:

1. Love centers on 1 person only, while infatuation tends to consider several at the same time
2. Love develops slowly - just like a plant it needs nurturing
3. Love recognizes 3 important things even as interest in the other person awakens compatibility, faults and reality
4. Love motivates behavior usually toward the positive
5. Love controls desire for physical contact but infatuation explores it
6. Love is selfless, infatuation is selfish
7. Love brings the approval of friends, infatuation generates disapproval of them
8. Love produces security, infatuation produces insecurity
9. Love survives separation, infatuation easily dies when put to a test like distance
10. If it has to end, Love does it slowly, infatuation however ends rapidly- easily comes easily goes.

Be aware, most people get infatuated several times before they found the real LOVE.


"life is liken a vapor that passes away . . .

Human existence in this world is extremely brief. It is like a flower which blooms for a while, like a shadow which disappears when the sun rises. Today our life span is more or less 60 and because of modern medicine it may extend to 80 yet is their strength and labor and sorrow: for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. We often say, oh, how time flies but in reality, time stays and we are the ones who fly away. Hardly are we born when we begin to die. The countdown starts the moment we commence lifes journey.

Be aware that TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life. Such being the case, let us pray that the Lord will teach us to number our days that we may apply our heart unto wisdom.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Diet, NUTRITION and Cancer

One can greatly reduce ones risk of developing cancer by making changes in ones diet. Specifically eating largely of fruits, whole grains and vegetables and reducing consumption of fats, sugar, salt and alcohol. Vegetables contain substances capable of inhibiting cancer in man.

Be aware, the natural way of avoiding cancer is a nutritious diet, regular exercise and drinking plenty of water to detoxify our body and nourish it.


Emotions are unleashed when a young man is visually attracted to a young lady, but they do not constitute love. They are temporary feelings spotlighting on the person experiencing them which make him think he is in love.

The truth is he has not fallen in love with a person. He has fallen love for love - a foolish or all absorbing unreasoning passion.

Be aware, the exhilaration brought on by this unreal, silly and illusory feeling is NEVER a permanent condition.

Monday, December 22, 2008


"the fitness value of water exercise is superb"

Exercising in the water is a good choice anytime of the year. It conditions the heart, lungs and all major muscle groups, building muscle endurance and strength as well as cardio-respiratory endurance. Best of all, since 90% of your body is supported by water, there is a very small injury risk because there is a little stress on joints and ligaments.

Be aware, water exercise is probably the best choice for those who are overweight and out of shape, and for those who have arthritis or knee and lower-back problems.


contains many Phenolic compounds, several of which functions as antioxidants. Recent studies indicate the potential value it plays in reducing the risk of both heart disease and cancer. When raisens are consumed at a level of 84g/day, a lipoprotein change occurs.

Raisins which contain nearly 6 grams of dietary fiber per 100gram serving are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fibers-integral to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease due to its effect on blood cholesterol levels.

Be aware, fiber when combined with tartaric acid helps the colon get rid of waste more efficiently.

SOFT DRINKS : an unhealthy drink

a mixture of a glass of water plus 8 to 12 teaspoons of sugar, mix in a dose of chemicals. The extra sugar intake softdrink produces at least 5 side effects:

1. unbalanced nutrition - it contains 120 to 180 calories of sugar without nutrients.
2. extra fat storage - if the softdrink calories are added to the food calories, the excess will be stored as fat.
3. uneven blood sugar - sugar calories lack fiber and rapidly enter the bloodstream raising blood sugar levels and providing a temporary boast of energy.
4. delayed digestion - when a sugared drink arrives in a stomach that is processing other food, digestion slows down until the new calories are handled.
5. acid rebound - most beverages increase acid secretion in the stomach. This increase usually occurs after the beverage leaves the stomach, producing a rebound effect.

Be aware, water is the PERFECT beverage- no calories, requires no digestion, does not irritate and is exactly what the body needs to carry on the life process.


Study shows that children and teens consuming sugary softdrinks are putting themselves at risk of obesity. For each softdrink consumed, there is 50% risk of the child becoming obese. Young people who replace softdrink to water, milk or fruit juice are depriving their bodies of much needed nutrients and are setting themselves up for future problems. The risk of obesity is unrelated to food intake of children, their frequency of exercise or length of time they spend watching tv.

Softdrinks contain caffeine and phosphorus which can interfere bones ability to absorb calcium which represents a greater risk for bone fractures and asteoporosis in later life especially among teenage girls.


is an altered state of consciousness in which a very highly concentrated form of attention is focused on a specific idea or memory. The patient of subject is fully awake but responds only to the therapist suggestions. Ther is abundant empirical evidence that hypnotherapy produces desired results for many people. Some however are incapable of achieving a deep trance state.

Be aware, a psychotherapist may use hypnosis in several ways - behavior modification for helping a patient to overcome a weight problem or nicotine addiction and calling up of traumatic events such as childhood abuse that may have been denied.

Be wary of self-styled hypnotherapist who advertise their service in the newspaper classified ads. Instead ask your doctor for referral or look for a qualified hypnotherapist in your area.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


is the use of water to treat diseases, alleviate pain, induce recreation and maintain general good health.
For therapeutic purposes, the water maybe hot or cold or in the form of ice or steam. Treatments include immersion baths usually in cool water, hot tub soaks, sitz bath (shortened hip bath) steam baths, needle showers, salt rubs, pressure hosing, hot or cold packs, douches and colonic irrigation (washing of the inner wall of the large intestine) Hydrotherapy may also take the form of drinking water that has special qualities such as mineral waters offered by the European spas as an aid to digestion.
Be aware, hydrotherapy is important in physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine.
Pregnant women and people who heve diabetes, high blood pressure or any chronic coronary condition should avoid hot tubs, steam baths and saunas.


"when God closes a door, he opens windows"
One of the hardest thing to do in this life, is to let go of a broken relationship. Facing the reality that the relationship does not exist anymore is like a nightmare. Letting go of a relationship is not like turning off a light switch - because the hurt and pain can not disappear in just an instant. But whatever happens, one must move on. In order to live again, one must release the person and not be obsessed about him or her. How?
1. by SURRENDERING to God completely moment-by-moment and day-to-day especially during the hard time. Be assured that once you surrender to him all your cares, you will be taken cared of even in the midst of your sorrow.
2. FORGIVE so you can be free. As one writer said: when you love someone, set him free.when he comes back, he is yours forever, if he does not, he was never meant to be yours.
3. FOCUS on yourself and your own life so you can move on. If you look back, it will cause delay and make your journey in life unpleasant.
Be aware, there is no such thing as a broken heart, only a heart that is openning wider. A heart that remains open heals faster.

Ways to avoid all Cancerous conditions

1. Excercise for an hour each day.
2. Do not smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco- it is laced wit hsugar and chemicals.
3. Eat a high fiber diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
4. Drink lots of water. 1-2 liters daily
5. Get 30 minutes of sun everyday. Before 7:30 am only.
6. Eliminate all sugar and animal proteins in your diet.
7.Eliminate/ minimize all softdrink, sports drinks.
8. Eliminate alcohol
9. Make love, smile and give lots of hugs.
Be aware, a happy attitude plus prayers strengthens the immune system.

FORGIVENESS an antidote

Vicki Miller said : Each time we hold anger and resentment in our hearts , the more we are giving our power away. We are on the illusion that if we do not forgive, we are controlling the other person. On the contrary, we are harming ourselves.
We give them space in our minds , emotionally shackles our hearts and give him/her the right to torment us forever. What a waste of energy.

Below are steps to release anger:

1. Understand that forgiving does not mean giving permission for the behavior to be repeated.
2. Do journalizing by writing your feeling, pain, and hurt. You can turn the pages, burn them and scatter the ashes.
3. Visualize the person you are forgiving and as a result, you are being freed from the behavior that you are hurt.
Now that you have freed yourself from the painful links and have released the pain...
4. Feel yourself growing lighter and more joyous.

How DEPPRESSION harms your heart

Deppression contributes to heart disease indirectly bby fostering unhealthy behaviors like smoking. A new study found that the factors that most increased heart disease risk in depressed peopl were the ones you might expect:
Lack of excercise and smoking.
The findings suggest that the effect of depression on heart health may have less to d owith changes in harmones or other biochemical pathways, and more to do with behavior.
Be aware, the depressed are less healthy overall- they're less likely to excercise or take their heart medications and are more likely to smoke. Studies show that excercise not only improves cardiovascular health, but also elevates mood and can ease depression.

No Skipping breakfast

When you skip breakfast blood sugar drops below the normal level, you experience cravings and a drop of energy. You again revert to a simple carbohydrates to achieve a quick surge of blood sugar level and a substancial insulin immision. The insulin removes the sugar from the blood turning its excess into fats. This cycle repeats itself 2- 3 times during the day.

Be aware, this vicios cycle constitutes one of the major reasons for diabetes, high blood pressure and extra weight.

NO Carbs- based breakfast

IN the morning, simple carbohydrates (white rice , white bread, sugary refined cereals, toast etc.) causes an immediate surge of blood sugar level which results to a substantial emission of insulin. The insulin removes sugar from the blood turning its excess into fats. The result is a decreased level of blood sugar, and a craving for more carbs. This cycle repeats itself 2 to 3 times during the day.

Be aware, this vicious cycle constitutes one of the major reasons for diabetes, high blood pressure and extra weight.


Balanced protein based breakfast supplies our body with all vital nutrients and energy without increasing blood sugar and insulin levels. It helps to avoid dependence on carbs during the day. If this appetite remains under control, cravings for carbs ( snacks, chocolate, pastry, junkfoods, softdrinks etc) diminishes and body uses its own stored fats to get more energy.

Be aware, a healthy breakfast...
1. Provides the body with all the vital nutrients and water
2.Provides energy from proteins and not from carbohydrates
3. Doesnt raise or drop blood sugar level
4. Cleans the Intestines
5. Imroves Intestine's absorption
6. Maintains water balance during the day

Holiday Routine

-Eat within regular meals and snacks. Do not think you would be cutting back on calories once you skip meals and just snack on candies, cakes and other sweets all day. The endless snacking ( with all the sugars and salts) will actually do more damage to your weight.

-If you do regular excercise, add more to your routine or to the time devoted on excercise. Do your best not ot neglect your excercises. Be aware, during the holiday season, you need to burn more fats and calories.

Party Essentials

-Eat a little something like crackers or fruit before you go to a party. If you go to a party on an empty stomach, you will tend to stuff yourself in order to appease your rumbling stomach

- Buffet lines are feast not only to the stomach but also to the eyes. Make mental notes on what kind of food are being served. In buffet ines, you can either go for something you really like or you can try new and interesting dishes- avoiding being overwhelmed by the variety of foods.

Be aware, in a sit-down dinner, try to sit beside someone you like. By doing so, you will be FOCUSED on talking and not on eating. Drink a glass of water before eating so that you easily get the feeling of fullness.

How to AVOID GAINING WEIGHT this holiday season


-Dont feel pressured to eat more just because its christmas. some people eat a lot during parties because they feel it is expected of them or they think it is impolite to refuse food from the zealous host.

-Give yourself a rest day or several rest days that is at least one day or a week when you will eat normally or cut back on food intake.

Be aware , "cutting back" doesnt mean not eating anything at all. Not eating anything will just upset your metabolism. Drink a glass of water before eating so you do not need to eat much.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Life is literally filled with God-appointed storms. There are 2 things that should comfort us in the midst of daily lightning and thunder and rain and wind.
First. These squalls surge across everyones direction. God has no favorite actors who always get the leading role
Second. We all need them. God has no other method more effective. The massive blows and shattering blast smooth
us, humble us, and compel us to submit to His script and His chosen role for our lives.
Be aware, learn to accept Gods given storm in your life. After all, the play is so much more enjoyable when the cast cooperates with the Director.


"If you are weak in crisis, you are weak indeed"
Adversity is a good test of our resiliency, to recover from misfortune. On the other side is prosperity- a tougher test than adversity. Precious few are those who can live in the lap of luxury . . . who can keep their moral, spiritual and financial equilibrium . . . while balancing on the elevated tightrope of success.
When adversity strikes, life becomes rather simple. Our need is to survive. But when prosperity occurs, life gets complicated. And our needs are numerous often extremely complex, our integrity is put to test. To stay balance through adversity, resiliency is required. But to stay balanced through prosperity - it demands integrity. The swift wind of compromise is a lot more devastating than the sudden jolt of misfortune.
Be aware, walking on a wire is harder than standing up in a storm. Height has a strange way of distributing our balance.


Is a dietary discipline based on the East Asian concept that good health depends on establishing a harmonious balance of the opposing life forces (yin and yang) and that this applies to food as well as other aspects of life.

Plant food is generally yin representing the earths upward force. Thus they are thought to slow metabolism, have a calming effect and produce other yin effects such as reducing body temperature.

Animal food represents the heavens downward or yang force and have the opposite effect of speeding up metabolism. Geography and the seasons are also taken into consideration. Food should be locally grown. People who live in cold northern (ying) climates should lean toward yang foods and means of preparation, while the opposite applies to those living in warmer (yang) climates.

Be aware, today's macrobiotic diet is similar to many vegetarian regimens but allow inclusion of seafood.

Monday, December 15, 2008


"let us make man in our image and likeness"
DOING is usually connected with a vocation or career, how we make a living. BEING is much deeper. It relates to our character, who we are, and how we make a life. Doing is tied in closely with activity, accomplishment and tangible things - like salary, prestige, involvements,roles and trophies. Being on the other hand has more to do with intangibles, the kind of people we become down inside, much of which can not be measured by objective yardstick and impressive awards. But of the two, being will ultimately outdistance every time.
Be aware, God emphasizes BEING more than DOING. Why? Because the character of God is manifested in Human Being while in Human Doing, the pride of life rears its ugly head.


Music therapy encompasses 3 major subdivisions:

Medicine. Music is used to help manage organic disorder such as pain and for rehabilitation after a stroke or serious accident. The aged and patients with Parkinsons disease improve coordination and learn to walk steadier by exercising to music. Singing is also used to overcome speech disorder.

Psychotherapy. Music is used to communicate with patients who are unable to verbalize their problem. It is specially beneficial in treating autistic and emotionally disturbed children.

Special Education. Music helps improve the coordination of children with neurological disabilities as well as those who are deaf or blind.

Be aware, musical experiences may also trigger the production of endorphins, brain chemicals that are natural pain killers.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Meditation comes from one of two Hebrew words HAG-GAH and SEE-AAGH terms frequently translated "talk-speak-utter". Both convey the idea of musing and pondering.

Meditation is disciplined thought, forced on a single object or scripture for a period of time. It is reflecting upon or pondering specific truths slowly piece-by-piece . . . allowing our minds to dig deeply into a word, a phrase, an idea or principle from Gods own word. Meditation considers these things from every possible angle , with the purpose of getting insight, gaining practical benefit and/or reaching some conclusion.

Be aware, Christian meditation, centering prayer has the same essence.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Weight Problem?

The war on weight is on but right now , over shadowing it is war on weight loss. The most popular is Liposuction _ the thrill and chill of seeing body fat being sucked up a tube and into a place where they can no longer propagate. You can become a babe from Liposuction or can die from it.

Miracle treatments now rely on expensive laser and radio frequency machines instead of scalpels and tubed jars. Endermology is basically an anti- cellulite treatment that also helps stave off inches.

Mesotheraphy- injection mixes of vitamins, medications and supplements that dissolve fat right where you want it. With the barest pinprick of pain, you get slimmer legs and thighs and arms and flatter abdomen.

Some people think it is excessive vanity while traditionalist say weight loss and fat loss without gym action is not acceptable.

Be aware, it is still the natural way of regular exercise and nutritious diet is still the best way to maintain and have a healthy body and soul.

FAN used to lower sudden baby's death

A new study offers another way to make sure babies get enough air while they are sleeping. Using a fan to circulate air seemed to lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in a study of nearly 500 babies, researchers reported.

Experiments also recommend a firm mattress, removing toys and pillows from cribs and keeping infants from getting too warm. Such a practice helped slash U.S. SIDS death by more than half a decade to about 2,100 in 2003. SIDS remains the leading cause of death in infants ages 1 month to 1 year.

The babys sleeping environment really matters. By improving room ventilation we can further reduce risk.

Be aware, babies may have brain abnormalities that prevent them from grasping and waking when they do not get enough oxygen.

Moving On II

Make a plan.

Once you calm down and have assessed the situation, make a plan to guide you along the way.

Do not make big leaps without enough confidence or resources.

Never make a step without confidence that can match the challenges before you.

Keep only what is important.

Keep what is worth keeping-lessons learned, wisdom gained, the power and the strenght that you have learned from experience.

Be aware that life has to transcend for life to thrive. For every ending a beginning waiting to be unleashed.

Moving On

True indeed when we encounter trials in life, we might wonder on how we can survive the ordeal. It is during these times that we need the following insights.

Before making any decision, first define the situation. What is taking place and what is making the situation hard.


The shortest path towards p e a c e. Humility is needed to have peace even in the midst of difficulties.

What a BALANCED LIFE is all about

Most of us push ourselves too hard so as to cope up with the demands of living. We exhaust ourselves to the point that we no longer savor and appreciate what the moment can offer. We even neglect our health and sacrifice the time for our family so as to gain material abundance for the "sake of the family". Only to realize later on how time flies sofast that without realizing it, our appointments with our doctor become irregular and our kids have grown up without even seeing them grow.

This is a sad state of life. As one writer said: one day when we look back , we will realize that we really do not need that much . Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recagnition. Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.

Be aware, Life is a balance of work and play, family and personal time. Time to smell the flowers, communing with God

Modern Art

How do we view modern art?
" Beauty resided in the thing of beauty itself"-Plato while Thomas Aquinas said:"beauty is that which pleases when seen". Modernist philosopher comments:"we all have a faculty of taste or an- apparatus of judgement inside us which gives us the capacity to judge wether a thing is beautiful or not.In other words, A beauty meter inside us which need no thinking.
Step 1 in looking for modern art is -Do not think just look at the piece and see if you feel good about it.

Step 2 forget who painted it.

Step 3 feel the artwork.

Be aware beauty is universal. This beauty experience come from something inside us, which is neither rational or selfishly motivated.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Water II

In importance, water is second only to oxygen. And average person can live for about 2 to 4 months without food but only 3-5 days without water. Approximately 2/3 of a persons body weight is water-our blood is 82% water and both our brain and muscles are 75%water. For adults, 2L a day needed to stay healthy.

Be aware that water is the basic element of good health. It is essential to all our 100 Trillion cells and processes that do not provide energy to our body.


Each vital process in the body occurs through the help of water fluids. It carries oxygen in the blood stream and aids in the removal of waste products by enabling proper excretion and urine. It also functions as the all-important solvent helping the body break down and absorbs nutrient and minerals. To maintain enough blood and maintain our blood pressure, water is necessary. Water helps regulate the bodys temperature in both warm and cold weather. Physical movement and sight are also dependent on water, as it lubricates and cushions various joints of the body as well as parts of the eye. Simply put, water is the fluid which maes all life processes possible.


A truly amazing thing about what appearsto be a real death-blow to America the Superpower, is that it was dealt by some of the seemingly most respectable members of American Society. And they were abetted by government regulators who choose to look the other way in keeping with the spirit of the Bush administrations benevolence toward the wealthy, reckless and greedy.

Be aware, that the executives who inflicted all this financial pain, who forced unprecedented government take overs will walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars. Leaving us, innocent little us- to dig into our pockets into our futures and into our childrens future to fix their spectacular error.


Those without insight dwell mainly in the realm of the obvious: the expected . . . the essentials. The dimentions that interest them are width, and length, not depth. Please understand, I do not mean to be critical of those who can not go-deeper . . but of those who can, but will not. I am not pointing my finger at inability but rather refusal.
For illustration, take the boatload of disciples in Mark 6. Immediately after Jesus had miraculously fed thousands of people with a few loaves and fish, he sent his men away in a boat as he slipped off to a quiet place to pray. A storm later broke upon the sea, and they were filled with panic. He came to their rescue shortly thereafter and calmed the sea as he stilled the wind and assured them not to be afraid.
Mark comments: "they were greatly astonished, for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.
Be aware, it was not that they were unable to understand. They did not want to understand.


The collapse of Lehman brothers and merrill Lynch-as well as the bail-out by the US Government (at a huge cost to US taxpayers) of insurance giant AIG poses an even greater threat to the security of the US and the future of millions of Americans than even the destruction of the World Trade Center and a wing of Pentagon.

The effects of the meltdown on Wall Street, the huge rescue package being pushed by the bush White House, as well as the financial crisis that preceded these, will certainly be felt far longer, and its impact will be felt by more people the world over.

Beyond the COMFORT ZONE 3

We experience discontent and unhappiness when we tend to disregard our power and potential to make things happen by putting in less efforts to realize our dreams. Little do we realize that the things that we truly desired are eventually the real things that could give give us fulfillment and contentment.

Be aware, that for us to achieve the sense of fulfillment and contentment, we must learn to take the right road intended for us. The road that holds our true interest and inclination, the road that will truly allow us to transcend as a person.


To the overexpecter, enough is never enough. There is always room for improvement, always something to criticize. The overexpecter uses words like ought and should and loves sentences that include much and more. To them, work harder and reach higher are the rule rather than the exception. When you are around them, you get the distinct impression that no matter how hart you have tried, you have not measured up, and what is worse- you never will. They do not say that but the meaning oozes out of their frowns and glares. Sooner or later, your motivation is sapped as demands and expectations replace excitement with guilt. The killer is that final moment when you realize you have become a weary slave of the impossible.
Be aware, when we think over our tendency toward overexpecting, 6 words help a lot:
Honesty, Reality, Acceptance, Tolerance, Acknowledgement, and Encouragement.


Having a sense of fulfillment is imperaive in every course of action that you make. Feeling a sense of fulfillment in every endeavor gives you satisfaction. Achieving the feeling of contentment of having realized your desires and aspirations pushes you to go through an uncomfortable situation.

Thus setting for mediocrity has no place for those who wish to live their future life with pleasure and content. Each of us who are alive have the capacity and ability to attain more than what we have been experiencing if we only believe in our capacity to achieve it.

Stillness III

Only by beginning and returning to silence can we make sense of everything happening around us andin our lives. Only by moving inward to practice some form of centering prayer, meditation or witnessing does the strenghtof clarity arise from. There is no easy way - just a choice to stop , move forward and be still . . . Listening to the breath, watching what arises moment to moment with no attachment. Meditation serves as the most basic and simple tool to bring us back to the state of our inner calm.

Be aware, one of the basic skills to develop in meditation is to just step back from the thoughts, and witness. Just watch. By doing so, we can then learn to bring to whatever pain we may feel, the loving energy of accepting the present moment and what arises.

DUST Beauty

Without dust, there would be less rainful and sunset would be less beautiful. Rain is formed when water molecules in the air collect around particles of dust. When the collected water becomes heavy enough, the water droplets fall to the earth as rain. Thus water vapor could be much less likely to turn to rain without dust particles. The water vapor and dust particles also serve to reflect the rays of the sun. At sunrise and sunset, when the sun is below the horizon, the dust and water vapor molecules reflect the longer red wavelengths of light such that we can see them more for more time- starting earlier(in the case of sunrise) and lasting longer(in the case of sunset)than any other wavelength. The more dust particles in the air, the more colorful the sunrise or sunset.

Be aware, in Calama, a town in the Atacama Desert in Chile, it has never rained.

Stillness II

Life has become the sum of moments to be cherished if we are to survive the accelerated energies being infused into our physical world from the non-physical realms of the vast universe.If we are to succesfully navigate through the challenge of these transformative times, we have to arm ourselves with techniques to help us. One way is being s t i l l. Not only stillness of the physical body but stillness of the mind is the key.And this is where we come back to the tried, true and ancient wisdom of silence and meditation.


Poet William Butler Yeats said: " We can make our minds so like still water that brings gather about us to see their own image and so live for a moment with a clearer, perhaps even a fiercer life because of our silence."

Just being in present awareness, at ease in our own quiet hearts, can make us a reflecting pool, and those who gather around will tend to see their own images. Without a word we can transmit our presence-one that is kinder,gentler.Meditation brings us back to awareness of the inner dimension within us, to this timeless place where the soul resides. It is from this witnessing perspective that clarity arise.


contains the right kind of fat. Roughly 50% of the fat in peanut monounsaturated. Unsaturated fats can help lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels in the blood without affecting the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Research shows that people who eat a greater percentage of monounsaturated fats lower their risk of heart disease, asthma, alzheimers disease, breast cancer and even deprese nsion.
Research shows that women who eat at least 5 ounces of nuts per week were only 65% as likely to suffer from coronary disease as women who avoided nuts.
Be aware, in buying peanut butter chose one that is the natural kind or the type that is just peanuts and salt. These types have oils that rise to the top.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Worldly RICHES

It is said that there are many a poor-rich man and many a rich-poor man, for it is not he who has little, but he who wants more , who is poor. We should not measure a persons assets simply by his stocks and bonds, or his account in a swiss bank, because the things that count most can not be counted. Some are poor in so far as this worlds goods are concerned but are rich in faith and love. Others are rich with temporal possession but are bankrupt spiritually.
Be aware, to get rich is alright if your wealth is the legitimate product of honest labor.

The wonders of coconut oil III

Virgin coconut oil when used as a lotion , softens skin, protects it against damage, promotes healing, gives it a youthful look and a healthy appearance. It prevents destructive free radical formation. It helps prevent skin from developing liver (brown) spots and other blemishes caused by aging and over exposure to sunlight.

The anti-septic properties of coconut oil help prevent fungal and bacterial infections of the skin. When applied at affected areas or even taken orally, it acts as a protective barrier from acne, ringworm, herpes, boils, athletes foot, warts and other skin problems. It is also beneficial for the hair and scalp and makes a good conditioner.

the wonders of coconut oil II

The term Virgin means oil that is made from fresh , young coconut and subject to less intense refining without chemicals.

Virgin oil can be use for foood preparation to reduce harmful effects caused by other dietary fats. It does not increase either blood cholesterol or triglycerides levels, nor does it promote platelet sickness, which cause blood clot formation. The reason coconut oil does not adversely affect affect cholesterol is because it is composed primarily of a group of unique fat molecules known as a medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). these fatty acids are burned almost immediately for energy production and so they are not converted into body fat or cholesterol and do not affect blood cholesterol levels. In fact, coconut oil stimulates metabolism hence it promotes lower cholesterol. Coconut oil consumption was found to reduce the risk of heart disease compared to other animal based cooking oils.

the wonders of coconut oil

Research has shown that coconut oil is a valuable source of lauric acid, the medium chain saturated fatty acid precursor to the anti-microbial lipid monolaurin, which has important functional benefits for individuals with compromised immune systems for growing children and the elderly. Currently, studies are being made on the effectiveness of coconut oil to treat human immuno deficiency virus.

Although it is true that coconut oil is primarily saturated fat, there are many different types of saturated fat in coconut oil, a plant source which is different from the type found in animal products. Its therapeutic benefits include protection against heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and other degenerative illnesses. Its unique because it promotes weight loss.


Keep your friends close.

And your rivals even closer. Knowing what your rivals intentions are, will always allow you to manage the situation. Identifying their motivations allows you to shape their actions.

Appearances matter.

and remember to smile. Showing and acting will allow people to predict you.

Quitting is leading too.

Admitting that you are wrong and cutting losses allows you to move forward.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Experts say that almost 80% of hospitalized disease started from too mu ch stress . Laughter is the most economical and easiest way to combat stress . It is a good muscle relaxant. It expands the blood vessels and sends more blood to the extremities and other muscles all over the body. Laughter also reduces the levels of stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol.

" To err man is human to forgive is divine"

A cancer survivor found real meaning into her life when she was diagnosed by such disease 8 years ago. Below are some insights she wants to share:

1. Be grateful every single day of your life.

2. Be happy every single day.
Life is too short
If someone makes you unhappy
Remove them from your life
3. The secret of forgiveness is learning first to forgive yourself.
Some of the hardest things to forgive are the things ones one does to oneself

Ultimate Conciousness

Normally one realizes that he does not have the absolute ownership of the material things he had on earth ONLY in his death bed minutes before his last breath .What a tragic realization. As king Solomon describe it as : " vanity , vanity , all is vanity ,- a chasing of the wind . . ."

On the other hand , the highly evolved peopla are fully aware that nobody here on earth have absolute own.ership on material things but only S T E W A R D S HI P. They are not attached to their wealth and fortune and therefore PRIDE has no place in their life. They are basically happy people for they knew fully that they do not need anything because need , including need for ownership is an "illusion".

The issue therefore is not absolute ownership but stewardship in the now. . . Recommended book . Commd union with God by Neale Donald Walsh

Monday, December 1, 2008

Building a HOUSE on sand

Pope Benedict SVI said: The current global financial crisis illustrates why it is a mistake to build on passing realities like money and successes. We see this today in the collapse of the great banks. And so all these things we thought were real and were counting on are in fact realities of a second order. he said on the day European stock markets plummeted following news of government bail outs for two mortgage and banking companies.
"We need to change our ideas of realism. The realist is someone who recognizes in the word of God, in this reality that appears so weak, the foundation of everything."
In the parable of the two houses, on sand is built only things we can see and touch - success, career, money. Apparently they are real, but one day they pass. The banking crisis demonstrated how quickly they disappear.
Whoever builds his life on these things - on material things, on success, on appearances - is building on sand.
Be aware: the true realist is someone who builds his life on the things that remain, recognizing Gods place in his own life.

The pursuit of HAPPINESS

A. L. Tennyson said: The happiness of man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.
Lao-tzu said: seek not happiness too greedily and be not fearful of happiness
Helen Keller said: many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
Princess Diana who captivated the world as a well-born pretty bride to the Prince of Wales in a fairy-tale wedding, then underwent an emotional roller-coaster life and suffered a rocky marriage, all abruptly and instantly ended in violent tragedy.
Be aware: happiness is not about wealth or power or creature comforts or even ego. We all can achieve true happiness and purpose with positive attitude towards life and the world if we are at peace with God and with ourselves.


Whatever you do, you can be called a "prostitute" depending on what you do with your work. While a prostitute is commonly known as - somebody paid for sexual intercourse- you are also a prostitute if you are "somebody who degrades talent for money" So, even if your work has nothing whatsoever to do with sex, if you misuse your skills or ability for financial gain, - sorry to say but - you are a prostitute. Thus we find such prostitutes in all professions.
Be aware: if we workers misuse our work for money, we are in reality "for sale"- ergo, prostitutes. Our body-housing as it were our senses, mind, intelligence,skills, ability,talent etc...
is in a sense the "Fathers House"- remember temple of the Holy Spirit?
Thus if we engage our God-given gifts for dishonorable profit, we make a market place of our Fathers House.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


an average mango provides more than the daily recommended amount of Vitamin A-mostly because of its beta-carotene content-and is also an excellent source of Vitamin C. it is high in natural sugars and has a higher protein content than most other fruit also high in fiber. All these combined, mangoes are great for preventing heart disease, for boosting immunity and alleviating high blood pressure.
Be aware, mango butter is extracted from the de-shelled fruit kernels of the mango tree and mixed into lotions, scrubs and the like. Aside from having a sweet smell, this butter has a natural emollient properties, wound healing abilities and boasts a protected effect against UV radiation. skincare experts also often recommend mango butter for the treatment of wrinkles and fine lines and for preventing stretchmarks.

Friday, November 21, 2008


ginger is one of the most potent roots around, noted for its high nutritional value, protein content and for the minerals and vitamins it packs. It promotes healthy sweating, which can help detoxify the body when sick, and kills off bacteria, fungus and microorganisms on the skin. The elderly and the active can also benefit from ginger as it helps prevent inflammation and arthritic conditions.
Be aware, historically fresh ginger roots has been used to treat first aid-and second degree burns and to nourish and moisturize the skin. Because it increases circulation, ginger oil is sometimes used to treat varicose veins and cellulite. Plus, the fragrance of ginger oil has been known to be a great aphrodisiac.


Part of the reason the japanese live longer can be attributed to their seaweed-rich diet. Researchers have discovered that seaweed is a rich source of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, and the vitamins B1(thiamine, which keeps nerves and muscle tissue healthy) B2
(riboflavin, which helps the body to absorb iron and is therefore good for anemic) and vit B12. Seaweed is also a good plant source for protein, iodine and calcium.
This marine plant contains properties that can help moisturize skin and control serum production. Be aware, seaweed also aids in fighting the effects of pollution on the skin and possibly protect against UV light. Seaweed extracts are also known for their natural anti-aging and anti-cellulite properties. It can improve suppleness and the elasticity of the skin and stimulate the renewal of damaged skin cells.


are poisonous and harmful to the body so the body will attempt to get rid of them in the large intestine or COLON. A healthy body requires effective elimination of trash in the colon. However, recent findings show that with our current diet and lifestyle, the colon fails to do its job properly resulting in retention of fecal matter and eventually building up sedentary waste. Be aware : that our body can store up to 45lbs of waste in the colon.

Retained fecal waste decomposes releasing noxious toxins that are reabsorbed in the blood stream. The action of the bacteria also produces fermentation of this waste that results in the release of strong foul smelling flatus or gas . . . the cause of abdominal bloating or flatulence. The colon reacts to the decomposing waste by secreting mucus - an attempt to get rid of the rotting garbage inside. However, as mucus thickens, it becomes sticky and instead of taking them out, it traps fecal matter in. More garbage is trapped and more toxins are released into the system. This makes the colon a big contributor to the accumulating toxins in the body. This is how "auto-intoxication" or self-poisoning begins.

GOD of Principles

"if you ask anything in my NAME, I will do it. " john 144:14
when we ask God for anything he will grant it on the condition - in my /His name. Name in greek means "onoma" which means: character, nature and authority.
Character- the character of God is LOVE-1 cor 13 love is patient, kind, is not rude . . .
Nature- the nature of God is meek like a sheep. my sheep hear my voice.john 10.14
Authority- when you possess the true character and nature of God, dominion is yours.
be aware, for the kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking but: 1 righteousness, 2 peace and 3 joy in the Holy Ghost.
If you are praying for something and until now God has not answered you, brethren remember our God is a God of principles. Try to check if your frequency is the same frequency with God. Remember in Genesis 1, the purpose of God in creating man is for him to have dominion on 1 condition - in His name. For what? To make you a good steward of this world he has given to us.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Experts say that almost 80% of hospitalized diseases started from too much stress. Laughter is one of the most economical and easiest way to combat stress. it is

CANCER is a four letter word = ACID

according to research, cancer is a disease of the fluids of the body not the tissues of the body. when the fluids of the body are over-acidic and can not be eliminated through urination, perspiration,defecation or respiratory, they are eliminated into the fatty tissues, like the breast or the brain leading to a cancerous breast or a cancerous brain.
all cancers of the body are caused by lifestyle, dietary or metabolic acids! there is no other cause but acid. cancer is an acidic liquid that spoils cells. when healthy cells are spoiled with acid the body wraps them in a fibrin net called a tumor to protect healthy cells and tissues form being spoiled. it is a beautiful natural process of how the body preserves itself from inappropriate lifestyle and dietary choices. the true cause of cancer is acidic lifestyle and dietary choice.
even the deadliest of acidic cancerous conditions can be reversed if they are caught early enough. if you have a family history of cancer, screening and early detection can make the difference between life and death. avoiding known lifestyle risk factors for acidic cancerous conditions such as smoking and sugar help you prevent the big "c"
be aware: the cure for cancer is found it its prevention NOT in its treatment.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

a CHANGE from within

Nelson Mandela- a nobel Peace winner.An extra ordinary man who was able to change from within and in doing so change the society that he lived in. He was imprisoned for fighting for what he believed in and became the most significant black leader in south sfrica. Here are some lessons that he shared on how he accomplished it.


Is not the absense of fear- It is inspiring others to move beyond it. It is alright to be afraid-just do not show it. To inspire your followers that they can do it.

Lead from the front.

But do not leave your base behind. To achieve great things, it takes a village. You can not achieve great things alone, you need to marshal and bring your supporters. Bringing and showing that you had the critical numbers to suceed is important.
Lead from the back.

Green Tea for Life

It contains an antioxidant so potent that it's efficacy exceeds that of vit. C and E. This helps shield the body cell'sfrom cancer related harm. Your body's cholesterol level maybe reduced also, and it also help prevent heart disease.Research had indicated that green tea can aid in reducing levels of bad cholesterol at the same time increase levels of good cholesterol.
Your body's metabolism maybe naturally enhanced which helps in getting rid of as much as 70 calories within 24 hours. Because of this, your body may also get rid of unwanted fat content.
Relevant findings has it that green tea also aids in alleviating anxiety and stress through a type of animo acid called L-theanine.
Be aware that green tea improves your body's resistance to certain illness such as the common cold and flu. The body's immune system can be enhanced by green tea,s Vitamin C and natural substances obtained from vegetation called catechins.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happiness and Love II

Laugter is excellent exercise for your facial muscles. It tones up the muscles of the face and improves facial expressions. Laughing people look more cheerful and attractive.
Be aware: laughter and an active sense of humor may even help protect against a heart attack. It is found that people with heart disease were 40% less likely to laugh in a variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease .
Laughter also helps you get some emotional distance from distressing situation and see the humor in it. People will feel safe and comfortable around you if they know you can laugh-but not if you laugh at them.
So the next time you are looking for an easy way to relieve stress in yur life , try a dose of laughter. You can get it without prescription.

"the way to be happy is to make others happy"

Happiness is infectious. If you want to be happy, be with happy people.
Happiness can actually be learned. Many self- improvement books , well-being gurus are successful teaching formulas and techniques for achieving happiness.
The way to break away from happiness is to first define what makes you happy. Then do the things you love doing in your life .
The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved in spite of ourselves-Victor Hugo.
The essentials to happiness are something to love, something to do , and something to hope for.William Blake.
All th negative emotions like anxiety, depression or anger weaken the immune system of the body. Laughter helpsto increase the count of natural killer cells and antibody levels. Laughter also alleviates pain. It increases the bodys level of endorphins (natural pain killers) Endorphins released as a result of laughter may help in reducing the intensity of pain in those suffering from arthritis, muscular spasm and migraine headaches.

"Happiness is our personal responsibility"

Because happiness is a personal thing, people have different definitions of happiness.What can make one person happy may not appeal to another. A glass of water could bring happiness to someone really thirsty , but will not elicit the same value when he is no longer parched.
Truth 1. Comparison is the cause of unhapiness. IN the poem Desiderata it says: Never compare yourself with others for always there will be lesser and greater person than yourself.
Truth 2. Be happy now . Do not view happiness in the future by making conditions. Like saying " I will be happy when i am already a billionaire ."
Truth 3. Happiness is not a condition but an attitude . Happiness depends on how we react to what happens to us . Happiness or misery depends on our disposition s and not on our circumstances.
Truth 4. A shift of focus can boost your happiness factor . St. francis oncee complained that he had no shoes until he saw someone without feet.
Truth 5. BE AWARE that gloominess and pessimism can be "inherited" by a child from his parents: the same is truewith happiness and optimism.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Meditation creates a chain reaction of sorts. Your positive attitude towards yourself will lead you to have a positive attitude towards others and the world. he foundation of building positive relationships is knowing the value of others and sustaining that value. When we lack self respect, we tend to put other people down.
Like any form of art it takes practice. It isn't as easy as it sounds. The secret is not allowing things to affect you like it usually does.
Meditation educates you on why you are so influenced by things around you and how you can be less influenced. Most people try to change the things happening around them but it isn't possible. Be aware that you can't change people, you can't change the situation t oa certain extent . What you can do is reprogram your reactions to other people and to your situation. And that is what meditation teaches us -not to react so violently internally towards others and even myself and just learn the art of peaceful thinking.
Dealing with difficult people is another thing that can block your path to peace-it is a matter of choice.

"let ther be peace on earth and let it bagin with me"

Meditation is the simple tool that anyone can use to create peace of mind. Our personal powerful contribution to global well-being. Our personal powerful contribution to global well-being. It is only when we change, that the world changes. People generally have 3 responsibilities in life:
1.To the family
2. to the work
3. to oneself
Meditation is an expression of love to oneself. It is taking time to see what quality of thoughts you are having in your mind and realizing that the thoughts tend to completely create the quality of your life. Normally, deep down people find it difficult to respect themselves. Meditation improves the quality of my relationship with myself. The love of self is an important thing to develop especially in a world full of people who are constantly being too hard on themselves. The internal dialogue is so violent sometimes against oneself. Violence starts in the way we treat ourselves. If I create myself that way , I will often use that behavior on others.

Centering on prayer an meditation III

Achieving a passive attittude is the most important and the most difficult. This means a " letting go" feeling. YOu have to achieve a passive attitude to remain calm and quite when the phone rings or when somebody calls you .If you jump t oanswer , you are not passive.
It isn't necessary to assume a difficult lotus position or yoga posture to meditate properly. The important thing is that a person is comfortable.For instance, one should sit quietly with two feet on the floor , hands on his laplap, spinal column straight but not stiff and eyes closed. It's alright to meditate lying down if one can maintain wakefulness and not fall asleep.
Physiological effects. Meditation superior to sleep in controlling tension or stress. Meditation brought about effects beneficial to health that could not be achieved by drugs with harmful side effects.
The practice maybe called centering, contemplation, relaxation response or meditation. Be aware that they are all the same.

Centering on Prayer and Meditation II

Dr. Herbert Benson - a cardiologist, Harvard Medical School graduate, and one of the pioneers in the scientific study of what happened during meditation and it's physiological effects. There are 4 essential factors to bring about the relaxation response or meditative state namely:

1. a quiet environment
2. a mental device
3. a passive attitude
4. a comfortable position

A quite environment is needed at the beginning of the practice of meditation in order to remove distractions.Later when you are an experienced mediator already, a noisy environment will not matter anymore.

A mental device is any sound or object a person focuses on so that his mind will not wander about with eyes closed, he can concentrate on the word "one" or any other neutral word. If eyes are open, he can focus on a black spot over a white background or on the tip of his nose. Any tool to maintain mental focus.

"a rose by any other name will still be a rose"...William Shakespeare

Fr. Thomas Keating said: " centering on prayer consist of choosing a sacred word, like God, Father , Abba and sitting comfortably, focusing the mind on the word, taking care to banish extraneous ideas or disturbances. In this way, a new world appears within and around us and the impossible becomes an everyday experience. The same essence with meditation.
Meditation stills the mind and brings it a level of awareness not possible under our ordinary waking state. In scientific terms, meditation or contemplation slows down the brain waves from the usual Beta frequency of around 14 to 21 cycles per second to around 7 to 14 cps. At this lower rate, of alpha ( or even slower than theta) , the brain waves of the left and right neocortex are synchronized. This synchronization brings a new level of awareness to the person meditating.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

MY sheep hears my voice II

Focused listening makes us hear more. For instance, paying close attention to the sound of nature makes us become aware of the other worlds around us. We might even hear the echo of the supernatural. How we listen has a direct correlation with what and how much we hear.

My sheep hear my voice

85% of our waking hours today are spent in verbal communication, which is as much listening as speaking.
Yet most of us don't know how to listen.The average person is a "half -listener" hearing only half and retaining just a little of what he hears right after he hears it.
Real listening requires more than just simply letting sound leave into one ear.Just as reading requires more than just simplylooking at a printed page. Good listening demands active participation, and active participation begins with a focused attention.

judge not that you will not be judged

while self- awareness is important to live a full life, the problem is that we put others in a box.We analyze them , till we think we've got them all figured out and then we label them whatever we think of them-positive or negative.

We label others all the time and in so doing we deny them the right to change. We stop them giving the chance to become better and wiser.We lock them up in words that we have used to anlyze them and diagnose their reactions as a doctor do. Everyone deserves better.

Sometimes, we just have to remind ourselves that no one was born finished and perfect. Life is a journey and we are subject to imperfection every now and then.All of us are work in progress. We are still in the process of beingthe best version of our selves. And it would be a more fitting labelwe give to ourselves is- human being, on process to perfection....

Women are wise but men are wiser

Machiavellian motto: "it's better to be feared than loved".and many a great man down through the centuries have applied this by enthroning a woman and endowing her with powers to rule alongside him as a buffer for the people's discontent and resentment. Think of the late strongman President Marcos of the philippines on the former argentinian military jinta leader- juan peron- same principle.

What then are these flattering popular sayings descriptive of the prized position of women in their partner's lives like " wind beneath my wings", "the power behind the throne"?Notice that in every clause , the allusion to the woman is never on equal footing with man.

How about an agreement that said between husband and wife, wherein the husband take care of all minor decisions that concern the family and she gets to decide on all the major ones. But so far, no major ones have come up with. Another way of saying-"just to buy peace".