My Headlines

Friday, February 27, 2009


To understand how much a discomfort dry eye syndrome is, try standing before a blowing electric fan for several minutes with your eyes wide open. Your eyes will feel dry, gritty, scratchy and will turn red. You will experience a burning and itching sensation, and light sensitivity. Specialists said, when you are so focused on your work, or when you are watching or reading, you forget to blink. Blinking is a natural action that keeps the ocular surface healthy, and if you don't blink, it causes evaporative tear loss. Staying up late, working too long in an air-conditioned room or exposing yourself to cigarette smoke are other factors that contribute to situational dry eyes.

To remedy dry eyes syndrome, you should determine what is causing it in the first place. Call center agents, encoders and other people who work long hours at the computer should position their monitor slightly below eye level as this allows the eyes to be partly covered (thus protected) by the lids.

BE aware, when using computer, or watching tv, or reading a book for hours, take a break every 15 minutes to close your eyes for a minute or two. Applying eye drops is another effective way of relieving dry eye syndrome.


If you are exposed to environment factors that aggravate dry eyes - over exposure to the computers, air conditioning
sunlight and wind, take a break every 15mins to blink and close your eyes for a minute or two.

BE aware, blinking lets your tears spread evenly around the eye surface. Aging is the primary risk factor of dry

eyes. If you are 50 years old and above, your chances of having dry eyes are getting high.

BE aware, to protect your eyes from eye dryness, maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and avoiding

smoking. Apply artificial tears that is preservative free to avoid eye damage.


Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a consequence of growing older. People in their 60's have been known to

experience debilitating symptoms. It is also the result of generally poor lifestyle - unhealthy diet, smoking,

exposure to artificial and natural UV rays, and the presence of free radicals all contribute to the stress of the

macula, so that they cause blood vessels under the optical nerve to burst.

The burst of blood blocks the central vision, which results in a blurry or blind spot in the middle of a patient's

field of vision. AMD is irreversible. It is treated in it's advanced stage with laser-surgery, photodynamic

therapy and anti-VEGF injections into the eye. However, you can slow down it's progression, if not lessen your

chances of getting it altogether.

BB aware, seeing an opthalmologist regularly after one reaches age 40 is highly recommended. Because AMD does not

happen overnight, traces of it can be spotted early enough and addressed before it worsens. Wearing sunglasses or a

wide rim hat reduces the risk of AMD and so does quitting smoking.


Most parents are often too preoccupied with working and earning to provide their children with the basic needs.

Unfortunately, because of work and it's demands, many would miss giving their young ones the needed love and care

through their physical meaningful presence and quality time. They need to realize that parenting is not only about

earning money and securing things which money can buy, but it is also about satisfying the psychological, social and

spiritual needs of the young.

BE aware, a fervent and faithful awareness of God's loving presence would make the work a truly formative and

fulfilling experience for the family, especially for the young members.


When words fail, tears flow. Tears have a language all their own, a tongue that needs no interpreter. Most often

they appear when our soul is overwhelmed with feelings that words can not describe.

One of the great drawbacks of our cold sophisticated society is it's reluctance to show tears. For some strange

reason, man feel that tears are a sign of weakness. . . and many adult feel that to cry is to be immature.

BE aware, rather than being ashamed or disappointed, the Lord takes note of our inner friction when hard times are

oiled by tears. He never forgets those crisis in our lives when tears were shed. In crying, you might lose a

little of your polished respectability, but you will have a lot more freedom - and a lot less pride.


M. Scott said: "it is in this whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has meaning." Problems are

the cutting edge that distinguishes between success and failures. Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom.

It is only of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually . . . It is through the pain of confronting and

resolving problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said: "those things that hurt, instruct".

Fearing the pain involved, attemp to avoid problems. This tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering

inherent in them is the primary basis of all human mental illness.

BE aware, God's wisest saints are often people who endure pain rather than escape. Like Jesus who learned obedience

from the things which he suffered (Heb 5:8) not inspite of those things.


Stillness is an essential part of our growing deeper as we grow older. We will not become men of God without the

pressence of solitude. Talk about pollution - there are 3 factors that disturb our peace daily:
Noise - music, news, talk, phones, traffic
Speed - deadlines, appointments
Activities - meetings, services, luncheons, clubs

Be aware, if you and I really treasure quietness, we will have to make time for it. When you feed it only the

"left overs" from the schedule, it always goes hungry. We need to slow down and quiet down and carve out time for

quietness, solitude, prayer, meditation and soul searching. As prophet Isaiah said: "and the work of the righteous

will be peace, and the service of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever. Then my people will live in

peaceful habitation. And in secured dwellings and in undisturbed resting places.


Samuel Butler said: "It takes 2 people to say a thing - a sayer and a sayee. The one is just as essential to any true saying as the other. In evangelism, the gospel must ultimately be shared but taking time to listen patiently and respond calmly is an essential part of the process. It is like listening s-l-o-w-l-y .

For illustration, in John 4 with Christ is the woman at the well. He could have blown her away with an endless barrage of verbal artillery. He did not. He genuinely listened when she spoke; He listened slowly. He read the lines of anxiety on her face and felt the weight of guilt in her heart as she talked. He peered deeply in the well of her soul.

Be aware, in listening, the most important thing is allowing room for silence while the other person is thinking and trying to get the words out. Wise is the listener who does not feel compelled to fill up the blank spaces with verbiage.


Some folks go to great lengts to hide their humble origins. We often think we should mask the truth of our past

lest people think less of us - especially if our today is more respectable than our yesterday. But the truth is,

when we peel off our mask, others are usually not repelled; they are drawn closer to us. Great men and women are no

with Moses, it was murder
with Elijah, it was deep depression
with Peter, it was public denial
with Samson, it was recurring lust
with Thomas, it was cynical doubting
with Jacob, it was deception
with Rahab, it was prostitution
Be aware, let's admit it, their weaknesses keeping us all on the same level - recepients of GRACE. Even those who

are extolled and admired have weaknesses in their life too.


It is the grandest triumph that any man can achieve. It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect.

The more perfect we are, the more gentle and quiet we become towards the defects of others. Never tell others what

has been said desparagingly of them. To be silent, to suffer to judge no one without actual necessity , and to

listen to the voice of God within us - this will be a continual prayer and a sacrifice of self. God hears with

imperfect beings even when they resist his goodness.

Be aware, it should be our principal care in blaming anyone to spare as much as possible the one in whom the fault

is found. Never say anything mortifying to your neighbor/brother.

VIPASSANA Meditation

aims at the highest spiritual goals of total liberation and full enlightenment. It's purpose is never simply to

cure physical disease. However, as a by product of mental purification, many psychosomatic diseases are eradicated.
In fact, Vipassana eliminates the three causes of all unhappiness namely:
1. craving
2. aversion
3. ignorance
Be aware, with continued practice, the meditation releases the tension developed in everyday life, openning the

knots tied by the old habbit of reacting in an unbalanced way to pleasant and unpleasant situations. People from

religious denominations have experienced the benefits of Vipassana meditation, and have found no comflict with their

profession of faith.


is one of India's most ancient meditation technique. It was discovered by Gotama the Buddha more than 2500 years

ago. Vipassana means - seeing things as they really are. It is the process of self-purification by self

observation. One begins by observing the natural breath to concentrate the mind. With sharpened awareness, one

proceeds to observe the changing nature of body and mind, and experiences the universal truths of impermanence,

suffering and egolessness. This truth realization by direct experience is the process of purification.

Be aware, the entire path (Dhamma) is a universal remedy for universal problems and has nothing to do with any

organized religion or sectarianism. For this reason, it can be practiced freely by everyone, at any time, in any

place, without conflict due to race, community or religion, and it will prove equally beneficial to one and all.


Every act and every work of the believer, who in reality is a child of God, is essentially done in relation to the

Father's will. Any deed or job no matter how insignificant or how low in the scale of job titles has more than it's
commercial rate; it has an eternal value - eternal life-giving. A janitor, and an executive, have an equal value

and importance infront of the Father.

Be aware, a worker should understand that what really matters in the "company" or "work place" in the life of faith

is not the level or rank or position, but the amount and intensity of love with which we live and work - the amount

of love we show for the Father and for our brethren.


Lingzhi, also known as Ganoderma or Reishi has been known to nourish and detoxify the body. For thousand of years,

people in China and Japan have traditionally used this mushroom as a potent natural remedy. Emperors drank

regularly concoctions of lingzhi because it was believed to give greater vitality and longer life.

Be aware, this mushroom has been coined as the "auspicious herb" it's popularity influencing literature and the


Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Lastly, stay physically active. The heart is a muscle that needs exercise to keep fit so that it can pump blood efficiently. Regular exercise will keep your heart healthy and maintain your weight. Swinning, cycling, jogging, dancing walking and other activities can help your heart. Whether it is included in a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, physical activity adds up to a healthier heart.

Be aware, it is never too early or too late to start living a heart healthy lifestyle. Eat right, control your weight, and stay active to ensure that your heart stays happy and well.

Live Healthy VI of VII

Aside from eating healthfully, doctors suggest avoiding smoking and lessening alcohol intake. Smoking is a major cause of atherosclerosis - a build up of fatty substances in the arteries.

Be aware, snokers continue to increase their risk of heart attack the longer they smoke. On the other hand, too much alcohol can damage the heart muscle, increase blood pressure, and lead to weight gain.


Fish oil is known to be a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, known to lower the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol. It also helps prevent the blood from clotting, and regulates the heart system. Oily fish includes salmon and sardines among others.

Nuts are good in fiber, phytonutrients and antioxidants such as Vit E and selenium. They are also high in omega 3 fatty acids.

Minimize your salt and fat intake. To lessen fat intake, consider grilling, boiling, broiling and steaming your food whenever possible,and removing the fatty skin from chicken, as well as the fat from pork and beef

Be aware, consuming too much salt raises blood pressure in some people. Season foods with kalamansi, herbs and spices instead.


Diet is key to keep the heart healthy and happy. So plan meals and snacks in advance, vary your meals with foods from different food groups, and put limit to how much you can consume. Be aware, and eat the right foods.

Fruits and vegetables do not only provide you with needed vitamins and minerals, but also give you fiber that helps throw excess fats from the diet.

Oatmeal and oat bran are rich in soluble fiber, a type of fiber which lowers the harmful cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) or LDL cholesterol without lowering the protective High Density Lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol


Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in your arteries. It is commonly written as two number - i.e. 140/80. The higher the numbers, the harder it is for blood to flow. Normal blood pressure for adults is 120/80. When your blood pressure is constantly higher than the recommended level, you may develop high blood pressure or hypertension. If you have high blood pressure, your risk of having a heart attack or a stroke is higher. It can also cause your heart to become abnormally large, or the pumping action to become less effective over time.

Be aware, if you develop hypertension, it is necessary to control it or reduce it to lower the risk of problems in the future.


The loose term "heart disease" usually describes coronary artery disease ( CAD ). If you develop CAD, the two arteries that feed oxygen-rich blood to your heart become too narrow in some places as a result reducing or entirely interrupting blood flow. CAD is linked to congestive heart failure (CHF) which occurs we ahen the heart can not pump enough blood. Be aware, shortness of breath, tiredness, and fluid accumulation in the body are signs of CHF.


Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality in both men and women. Statistics shows nearly 7 out of 10 deaths are caused by heary attacks or some other complications of the heart like stroke and rheumatic heart disease. Be aware, heart disease is also one of the most preventable of all diseases. Read on to find out how you can prevent the onset of a heart attack.


Value : $1USD = 14,350 Dobra

It ia an island nation in the Gulf of Guinea, off the western equatorial coast of Africa. It exports cocoa, palm kernels and coffee.

Value : $1USD = 16,975.00 Dong

With a population over 86 million, Vietnam is the 13th most populous country in the world. Be aware, the still communist country has a blossoming tourism industry, and visitors are usually asked to pay for everything in dollars.

Value : $1USD = 24,000 Manat

A country located in central Asia. Until 1991,, it was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic.

Value : $1USD = 35,000 Shillings

Formerly known as the Somali Democratic Republic is a country located in the horn of Africa. Be aware, recent rash of high-stakes, high-seas hijacks have NOT been able to revive Somalias stunted and shrinking economy

Value : $1USD = 642,437,695,221,000 Zimbabwean Dollar

Comparing the Zimbabwe and London stock exchange valued the currency at more than 642 quadrillion to one. Be aware, when the currency was revalued in the middle of last year, an egg cost about $35 billion Zimbabwean dollar.


A news organization conducted a study recently and it unveiled the 10 worst currencies in the world to see how much a dolloar could buy and how blessed we are compared to the following:

Value : $1 USD = 4,615.00 Guarani

Paraguay is the 2nd poorest country in South America with 35% of its population living in povery. It's capital city, Asuncion, was ranked the cheapest city in the world out of 143 locales last year.

Value : $1USD = 5,115.00 Franc

A country in West Africa, formerly known as French Guinea with population estimated at 10,211,437. Natural resources include: aluminum, ore, bauxite, diamonds and gold.

Value : $1USD = 8,640.75 Kip

Vietnam'a up river neighbour, home to the Indochinese tiger, the giant guar, the Asian elephant and a thriving opium trade.

Value : $1USD = 10,179 Rial

Officially the Islamic Republic of Iran, formerly known internationally as Persia until 1935. Iran has remained a thorn in the side of the western world, refusing to stop it's nuclear program and continuing to threaten Israel. Be aware, US gov't warns against travel to Iran as some elements of the regime remain hostile to the U.S.

Value : $1USD = 11,198.40 Rupiah

Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state with a population of 222 million people in 2006, It is also the largest Muslim nation in the world. It's capital city Jakarta is the largest city in Southeast Aaia with a population of 8.5 million. Be aware, Indonesia is also the home to Bali, a tropical paradise that was targeted by terrorist who bombed a nightclub in 2002.


It is very important that when buying diamonds, look for the 4C's rather than the price. They determine the diamond's value.

CUT - a skillfull cut is what will unleash the fire and brilliance in a diamond. It refers to the various facets within a diamond should clearly not be confused with shape- such as round, marquise, oval, princess,etc..

COLOR - grading begins at D; the deeper into the alphabet one goes, the poorer the color.

CLARITY - refers to the presence of - or lack of - imperfections/impurities called inclusions. Clarity is graded on a scale ranging from flawless to imperfect.

CARAT WEIGHT - term used to measure a diamond weight not the size of diamond. The larger the diamond, the greater it's rarity, the greater it's value per carat as well.

Be aware, no 2 diamonds are ever alike. Each diamond is different from the other and that is why they say diamonds are forever because you can never get another like that.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Was there a time in your life when no one and nothing mattered except God and his WORD? If yes, then you know what real prayer, what trust and surrender is all about. If no, well maybe, you are hard of hearing, having difficulty listening to God's word and love. WHY? Because you are more receptive to other voices and love.

Be aware, only the sheep hear God's voice but that does not discourage you. Listen more by knowing him

more in spirit and in truth. Listen:

When will you stop hurting and start loving?
when will you stop lying and start cleansing?
when will you stop getting and start giving?

and lastly,

when will you really start listening?


Research had it that it is hypothetically possible to achieve a long life span perhaps even going as far as becoming 200 years old. The idea of longevity basically revolves around this fact: "AGING is a result when the cells in our bodies can not cope up and fails to reproduce newer cells. This inevitably leading to organ failures, disease and the like.

Using advances in biotechnology, we can manipulate the aging process using various specific techniques.

Mamipulated cells won't have a problem with regeneration by eliminating the diseases that come with aging, then a longer life span is not far fetched idea any longer.

Be aware of the following tips to become a super centenarian:

1. EXERCISE by achieving an active lifestyle is sufficient
2. Avoid STRESS by having a happy disposition. Learn to smile whatever the circumstance be.
3. Calorie RESTRICTION. a bit of fish and almost NO TO meat, eggs or dairy product for consumption.

ACNE an inflammatory disease

One of the primary and most effective way to control this sub-clinical (invisible to the eye)

Inflammation on a cellular level is through diet. The key to anti-inflammatory diet is that it has been designed to prevent a rapid rise in blood sugar. Different foods are converted to sugar at varying rates. When our blood sugar and insulin level rise, whether from a poor diet or from stress, we experience a serious increase in inflammatory chemicals at a cellular level.

Be aware, stress also precipitates acne by elevating levels of cortisol, a stress hormone and other

adrenal steroids can act as androgens (male hormones) and stimulate the sebaceous (oil) glands resulting in a flare-up of acne.


1. PRO-Inflammatory diet
2. EXCESSIVE exposure to the sun. Baking out in the hot sun at the beach or by the pool is very destructive to your skin and immune system
3. STRESS, causes the release of the hormone "cortisol" which is extremely toxic
4. SMOKING cigarettes/exposure to second hand smoke. when we exhale just one puff of cigar, over a trillion free radicals are produced in our lungs.
5. ALCOHOL alters blood flows to the skin and gives you unhealthy appearance
6. LACK OF SLEEP growth hormones or youth hormones is released during sleep

Be aware, exercise increases circulation and gives the skin a healthy and radiant glow.

Anti- Inflammatory Diet

To fight aging in skin and all organ systems, follow the anti-inflammatory diet. It consist of the following components:

High Quality PROTEIN. like that found in fish, shellfish, poultry and tofu

Low glycemic CARBOHYDRATES including colorful fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains such as oatmeal, legumes such as beans and lentils.

Healthy FATS such as those found in cold water fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil

8 - 10 glasses of pure sprinking water everyday

ANTIOXIDANT rich beverages such as green tea.

Be aware, these foods and beverages act as natural anti-inflammatories and help to maintain normal levels of insulin and blood sugar. The incomparable health and beauty benefits of this anti-inflammatory diet are visible in just 3 days.

Pro-Inflammatory Diet

Certain foods cause inflammation in our bodies at the cellular level, which greatly accelerates the aging process in all organs system including skin. This results in an increased risk of degenerative disease and inflexible, wrinkled, sagging, dull skin. Avoid foods that provide a "glycemic" response in the body, i.e. cause a rapid rise in blood sugar- this is the key to health, longevity, mental clarity, well-being and beautiful youthful skin.

Be aware, foods that are pro-inflammatory such as all forms of sugar, processed foods, pasta, breads, pastry, baked goods, and snack foods such as rice and corn cakes, chips, pretzels, etc. . . caused a highly destructive pro inflammatory response in our bodies.

Eating the wrong foods can make you age faster - foods that cause a rapid rise in blood sugar.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

BEAUTIFUL INSIGHTS by Christian Larsen

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. After all, you can choose what you think
Promise yourself to talk about health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet
Promise yourself to look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true
Promise yourself to be enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own
Promise yourself to forget the mistakes of the past and to press on to the greater achievements of the future
Promise yourself to wear a friendly countenance at all times and smile to everyone you meet
Promise yourself to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too stong for fear, and too happy to permit trouble

Be aware, breathing good aroma in life and enjoy what the moment can offer for you to enjoy life to the fullest

HYDRATION tips from the expert

- Drink water when you wake up and before going to sleep. It flush out the toxins that have accumulated all night
- Drink at least 8 glasses a day and a maximum of 16 glasses to keep your urine on the light side
- It is preferable to sip water throughout the day IF you have heart disease to lessen the stress and give your body time to absorb
- Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water, you maybe 2 glasses below your normal water needs
- Drink water not softdrinks, alcohol or coffee - these can be potentially dehydrating
- Train children to drink water
- Drink more when it is hot to prevent kidney stones
- Drink more when you are sick - for your body to recover from various infections
- Drink more if you are pregnant or breastfeeding


- Water prevents kidney stones by drinking 12 glasses of water daily
- Water treats urinary tract infection by flushing harmful bacteria
- Water helps reduce fever when you urinate the "heat"out of your body
- Water helps treat cough, colds, sore throat, and respiratory infections by loosening the phlegm
- Water reduceses heart burn by flushing the stomach acid away
- Water keeps you alert and energetic by good blood circulation
- Water help cure migraine headaches
- Water helps reduce weight by drinking a glass of water before every meal to feel full. It has zero calorie
- Water keeps your skin soft and radiant

Be aware, water is one of the most powerful form of treatment.


In moments of great change when one is in the process of leaving one state to go to another, the challenge is not to look back although the temptation to do so is great. To look back and ask the " what ifs" about one's decision too early in the journey is to become stuck -
like Lot's wife in Sodom and Gomorrah, immo bile and turned into a "pillar of salt". Scarry as it is, we must do it is the path to growth. as one writer said" God will not have his work made manifest by cowards."

This process of dying and awakening into something new requires a new mindset. The worst attitude to have is to leave one place and go to another only to expect to live the exact same old life one had, rejecting new things that will surely come along. It is a sure prescription for unhappiness.

BE AWARE, life is a cycle of birth, death, acquisition and loss,a dance marathon of opposites. Whenever we found ourselves it's opposite will manifest after a while if our life is to be completely lived. To awaken is to consciously accept what has died in us, to mourn it and move on to something where we can have a greater experience of being alive. Being awake allows us to choose being happy and free.


Elizabeth Gilbert said:"we are the author of our life, our destiny lies in our hand" There is so much about fate that I can not control, but other things do fall under my jurisdiction. I can decide how i spend my time - i can choose how i am going to regard unfortunate circumstances in my life, whether i will see them as curses or opportunities . Most of all, I can choose my thoughts.

To reclaim and master our life, Barb Doyle shares some essential keys on how we can take control and get most out of our life.
RELAX. Nothing can make you stress. It is how you think about something that causes you to feel stress. How you think creates how you feel. It is easier to control your thinking than to try to control outside experiences. Next time you feel yourself stressed out, picture yourself in a nature scene. Use all your sensess

BE AWARE, this is the first day and last day of your life. Most of us go around in life either controlled by the regrets of yesterday or by the fears of tomorrow. Our life is robbed by these 2 thieves. If today truly is the first day of your life, you would have no regrets. To have this kind of attitude, you have to give up any grudges that you have been holding on. If today is the last day of your life, your attitude would be that of contribution.


Clear messages starts with clear words. Clear words lead to clear action. In any communication, use plain languages, start with a punch line. Make sure your non-verbal cues do not contradict your words and adapt your style to the person and purpose.

Be aware that words alone never carry the complete message. Message come from context, relationship timing, tone of voice, what was said, what was not said and body language. All these things together comprise the total message that people "hear".

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


If you are drinking less than 6 to 8 glasses a day, then you are "shrinking" your brain, dehydrating your skin, speeding up the aging process and damaging your immune system.

is the main enemy of youthful looks.

Korean Red GINSENG.
is the herb of choice for anxiety,fatigue and over performance and is also considered a miracle food supplement which can address to Hepatitis A and B, liver problems and cancer.

Be aware, since Vit C kills ginsing, do not consume within 3 hrs, of each other.

dubbed as the miracle brain food. it helps improve concentration and memory and fights depression.

a 30 minute aerobic exercise is enough to shake up your brain and improve memory. This is due to the increase in oxygen efficiency in the brain. This is enough to prevent stroke and heart disease.

Alcohol and Liver CIRRHOSIS

Alcohol when taken in excessive amounts may trigger the development of fatty degeneration of the liver leading first to liver cirrhosis and eventually to liver cancer.

The detrimental effect of alcohol and the degree of damage it causes is directly proportional to the concentration of alcohol drinks - beer 5%, wine 10%, sherry 15% and spirits 30% of alcohol. When an organ as sensitive as the liver is repeatedly bombarded with massive amounts of alcohol, the delicate liver cells first breakdown in the form of fatty degeneration, which then leads to fibrous scarring/cirrhosis.

Be aware, people who have cirrhosis sometimes do not have symptoms until lever damage is extensive. Therefore mortality is very high, as many cases are not diagnosed and treated at its early stage.

TO lose weight, BE IN CONTROL of FOOD by Bob Greene

Phase ONE. Focus on eating breakfast, avoiding extra snacks and not eating 2 hours before sleeping and increasing daily physical activities like walking.

Phase TWO. Exercise more and eliminate at least six problem foods like pastries, fries and soda, pasta etc.

Phase THREE. Developing weight loss skills, focus still in moderation.

1st understand yourself then modify present behaviors and attitudes before starting the journey 2nd understand the science of weight loss and how much to eat
3rd MOVE to burn the calories... E X E R C I S E

Karma, Soulmates, Happiness

The sacred law of the universe "like attracts like" The people who are around us, for good or ill, are with us because we have attracted them to us.

Everything we do comes back to us, nothing less and nothing more. "law of karma"

Secret of happiness by Buddha. "is not in having what you want, but in not wanting what you do not have.

If you lose somebody, let him go; if he comes back, he is yours, if he does not, he never was yours. The reason is that we never lose what we truly own.

Epictetus said: " The good or ill of man lies within his own will."

Be aware, God does not punish or reward us, we punish or reward ourselves, because we have been given absolute freedom of choice or free will by God.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


is the most artistic form of all yoga, the most fluid that its like a dance. It is a way of being. You become aware of your body, how your frame of mind affects the way you stretch or hold a pose.

Vinyasa , the art of breathing helps keep the mind focused on the moment. Breathing is calm and steady, and audible.

Be aware, it is breathing that stirs the body into motion, each breath in harmony with a series of asanas (posture). As the rhythm of the breath and body alerts the mind and soul, the body produces intense internal heat that detoxifies muscles and organs. Circulations improved, the body becomes light and strong, the mind finally learns to relax.


Donnel Maxie said: "Today i want to encourage you not to take people for granted - interact with them. Life is an amazing thing that should always be treated as fragile as a new born baby with much care and honor as much as it deserves. If we fail to love them and share the joys of life, and help them through the pains and failures, then we are just that "failures"

I challenge you today not to hold back your love anymore. Here are key questions:

1. Ask yourself: what did i learn this person today? If you have a hard time answering, then go to step 2

2. Ask and find out more about your loved one - you have more years to know him/her.

Do something different - go somewhere, do something you have never done with that person.

OPEN your heart - telling someone an inner wish or dreams creates new bonds and strengtens old ones

DO something nice to them whenever you can - be open to your loved ones by telling them
how much you love them.


General risk include a possible allergic reaction to the anesthetic which is true for any surgical procedures. Loss of sensitivity is common, although most of the time is temporary, but it can be also permanent.

Atrophy (loss or shrinking) of breast occurs as a result of pressure from the implant. Extrusion is when the body rejects the prosthesis pushed it out of the skin. The implant should be removed right away. Implants are very strong, but rupture of the implant can still occur with severe contracture.

Rippling and contour irregularities, synmastia, bottoming out, double bubble and more irregularities are possible. Be aware, breast implants causes cancer.


The main cause of obesity - over consumption of fatty/sugary food and a sedentary lifestyle. Treating obesity entails a limited option from lifestyle changes to drugs and gastric by-pass surgery.

SANOFI Aventis had abandoned its drug - Rimonabant/Acomplia

Pfizer put a stop to tests of a propto type called CP-945,598

Merck pulled the plug on experimental obesity fighter- taranabant
only 2 drugs left: orlistat/xenical and sibutramine/ Reductil or Meridia

Be aware, obesity is a huge and growing problem for which people are clamoring for a quick fix. Yet it is also a complex condition if your attitude towards it is not right.


Researchers have studied the effects of nicotine on mammary cells and concluded the chemical found in cigarette smoke could contribute to cancerous growth.

Through a series of test, it is found out that both breast epithelial cells- protective cell tissue that lines organs throughout the body - and cancerous cells have nicotine receptors (naChR) which have the potential to increase cell growth and migration in the presence
of nicotine.

Be aware, test on live animal subjects that nicotine, in its interaction with normal cell growth, contributes to tumor growth in mammary gland.


Clear messages starts with clear words. Clear words lead to clear action. In any communication, use plain language, start with a punchline. Make sure your non verbal cues do not contradict your words and adapt your style to the person and purpose.

Be aware, that words alone never carry the complete message. Messages come from contect, relationship, timing, tone of voice, what was said,what was not said and body language.
All these things together comprise the total message that people "hear"


Immanuel Kant said: 3 things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe;

1. the starry heavens above me

2. the moral law within me (conscience) and

3. the glory excellence around me

Katherine Graham expounds # 3 wonder as:" to love what you do and feel that it matters, you have to live excellence - how can be anything more delightful and more fun.

Be aware, anyone can live beyond excellence when you remember who you are.


an ancient healing system from India stresses the mind/body relationship in the maintenance of good health. A balance of vital energy, in this case, prana is considered the key. The system is based on balancing three basic life forces or dorshas:

VATA -responsible for all movement in the body.

PITTA - control the digestion and energy production

KAPHA - responsible for the bodys structure and stability

Illness occurs when any of the dorshas is out of sync; Individuals must know their dominant dorsha and follow a diet and lifestyle that keeps it balanced with others.

Be aware, purification to rid the body of toxins is an important part of the treatment. Methods may include sweat baths, enemas, nasal washes, bloodletting and oil massages. The practioner will also recommend a specific diet, meditation or yoga routine and herbal remedies.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


is a system of treatment based on the belief that the foundation of good health is the
unhampered flow of nerve impulses that originate in the brain and spinal cord and then travel to
all parts of the body. Therapy begins with analyzing the patients spinal column for abnormal
alignments of the vertebrae. When such misalignments called subluxations, are located they are
corrected by manipulation to restore the normal flow of nerve impulses. Many chiropractors also
make recommendations about nutrition and exercise but they do not prescribe drugs or do surgery.

Be aware, that one manipulative technique involves a rapid motion to increase joint mobility and reduce muscle spasm and pain.

Monday, February 2, 2009


SUGAR - devoid of fiber and nutrients, refined sugar are empty or naked calories. Because of
their caloric density, they are well suited to promote obesity.

REFINED FOOD - without fiber. Fiber is protecting us from certain cancers, stabilizing blood
sugar, controlling weight, and preventing gastrointestinal problems such as gallstones
hemorrhoids, diverticulitis and constipation

SALT - many people consume 2 to 4 teaspoons a day which is many times more than is actually
needed and contributes to high blood pressure, heart failure and kidney disease.

FAT - many people consume 36% - 40% of their daily calories as fat - too much our body can
handle causing blood vessels plug-up and coronary artery disease and stroke. A high fat
diet can cause overweight, diabetes and certain cancer.

PROTEINS - a diet heavy in meat, and animal products provides more protein, fat and cholesterol that the body can use. A diet containing less protein, less fat and cholesterol is
essential for improved health and longevity.

BEVERAGES - soda, pop, beer, coffee,tea and sweet drinks are loaded with calories yet lack fiber
which play havoc with blood sugar levels and sabotage weight control efforts. Drinking
water is best for health.

SNACKS - disrupt digestion and overburden the stomach and are a frequent cause of bloating and indigestion