My Headlines

Saturday, September 20, 2008

the Powerful sound in Silence (4/4)

Tamia Unsworth said " what goes on in the human being when he is himself is as important as what happens to his interaction with other people".
Just like pain, it is a beast that needs to be ridden and broken -in alone. After major traumatic events, people need time to be alone to lick their wounds. The person who cannot bear to be alonewill probably never come to terms with other people.
Kempis said " No man can safely speak, but he who loves silence".
In silence and quiet ,the devout soul makes progress.

the Powerful sound of Silence (3/4)

The truth is , the person we will most likely be compatible with is the one we can be with in complete silence and still feel totally comfortable. For often, words are just distracting- we use them merely to keep ourselves entertained. Pico Iyes said " The greatest charm of noise is when it ceases".
The imperatives of chatter. words are what we use for lies , false promises and gossips. We babble with strangers, with intimate converasations we can be silent. We make conversations when we are at loss, we unmake it when we are alone with them.
In love we are speechless. In awe, we say words fail us.

the Powerful sound of Silence (2/4)

In silence we can hear ourselves think and so sink below ourselves into a place for deeper than mere thoughts allow.
Indeed embracing silence is like communing into the most powerful Presence of all. Men of great spirituality have always sought silence for meditation, reflection and a rejuvenation of their faith and strenght -Sidharta Gautama,Gandhi, Jesus among others.
Silence is a tribute we pay to holiness, where we skip of words upion entering a sacrade place. A moment of silence is the highest honor we pay someone. It is the point at which the mind stops and somethind else takes over- words cannot describe as feelings rushes in...

The Powerful sound of Silence (1 out of 4)


Are you aware that silence is potential for spiritual rejuvenation? There's more to life than fulfilling daily obligations for there is a direct correlation between the time he spends in silence and the quality of his life. H. Melville said " all profound things and emotion of things are preceeded and attended by silence. Why? Because silence is the only voice of God. We must earn our silence , then work for it to make it not an absense but a presense. Silence is more than a pause, It is that enchanted space where space is cleared and time is stayed and the horizon itself expands.

Victory in Walking

The Japanes have discovered that those who walk at least 10,000 steps-a-day have an easier time maintaining their weight.
However, if you want to lose weight, you must walk more. 13,000-15,000 steps daily.
Further study have found that by walking less , you will easily gain weight even if your food intake is maintained.
For those interested to try this healthy technique , you are adviced to use a pedometer to motivate yourself and monitor your progress. Strap it on, the moment you wake up and remove it only when taking a bath and before going to bed .
Be aware: Happy walking does wonders.

Anti-aging update

In our present time man is still in pursuit of the proverbial fountain of youth. Why? Because everyone wants to live long but does not like to-look-old.

As a remedy, many tried using cosmetics, surgery to cover up and take out the extra pounds and lines that comes with old age. But what really is the best way to maintain healthy life and lessen the signs of aging?

Recent studies hd this formula: " Eat less"!!!

Q: How less is less?

A: 15% less of your actual food intake starting from age 25. In other words, calorie restriction.

Q: Why? What for?

A: 1/0 cut the risk of some diseases: cancer, diabetes, heart 2to maintain healthy body cells in our body so they can function wel.

Q: What is the average weight considered healthy?

A: for women , 100 lbs. for the first 5 feet in height and additional 5lbs per inch.

But most of all , one must possess a positive view in life and always be cheerful. Be aware that discipline plus good attitude can lengthen our life and make our journeyin life fulfilling.

Body nd mind will lead us to our "fountain of youth"that comes from within.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No one can make us feel inferior without our consent...Eleonor Roosevelt

As we journey in life, we encounter different kinds of people with
different characters. The most challenging of all are the "grouchy"
ones. The best attitude in dealing with them is to -keep cool- by
making most of the situation, that you retain your composure while
also respecting another persons right to his grouchiness. Never
take their grouchiness personally, its just the way they are. Accept
them as they are in the same way we accept that roses have thorns
- part of creative process. It is a self expression of who they are and
not its substance. Usually their grouchiness have reasons, it maybe
a chronic disease, family or relationship problem or whatever.
Respect them for all we know, they are created to challenge us to be
the best we can be.
Remember the prayer of S. Francis :
"Lord, help me to understand rather than to be understood. . . Amen

HE who ANGERS YOU, controls you.

Matt 16.26

For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole
world, and losses his soul?

It takes fundamental knowledge of who you are, how we
should behave. A master refuses to return evil for evil because
if he does, he is no longer in control of himself. It takes inner
balance by knowing yourself to be in control of one self.

Nobody is more unhappy than a perpetual “reactor” - he
whose life experience is not rooted within himself, but in the world
around him. His moods swing according to how others treat him.
He is needlessly at the mercy of other peoples actuation.

A reactor is a social parasite, who sucks approval and praise
from others to give him a false feeling of joy which will not last.
He agonizes over the slightest criticism because it tends to con-
firm his own doubts about his self-worth. The slightest suspicion
of unpopularity with some people would drive him crazy.

In this world, we are all actors of the life God has given us.
Let us not forget the script we are supposed and designed to do
to make this world a better place to live. If we want change, let
the change begin from us and not from outside by being in-
control of our actions and attitudes. The world needs ACTORS
not re-ACTORS.

The choice is yours . . .