My Headlines

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Confucius said: " Life is really simple but we insist of making it complicated."

Hans Hoffman comments: " the ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."

Relax, find music in the powerful sound of silence, joy in solitude, poetry in nature, seek power in prayer, health and true wealth in a simple disciplined life.

Be aware, many of the best things in life are free and not material in nature.

South Korean billionaire, Chung Ju Yung said: "people who eat more than 2 times a day can never truly become a success."

taipan Enrique Ching said:" young man, eat less in order to eat more." what he meant is - if we humans ate less each meal, the health habit would eventually grant us longevity and therefore more meals in our lifetime.

Be aware, as Anne Frank said: "the best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Stuart Wilde said: " If you intend to consolidate and quicken your energy, you will find accepting the truth and living in it to be two of the strongest concepts one can embrace:

1 You are not helpless.
2 You are self reliant and empowered.

Be aware, living powerfully is a choice. And with clear choice comes the defeat of fear and the triumph of your more truthful self.

TRUTH about C-O-M-M-I-T-M-E-N-T

If you really want to do something, it is not true that you don't have the time. You will make the time. It is never time that you lack, it is always the purpose. Be honest and say " I think I should say - I want to, but I don't have the commitment. It is all a matter f desire. If your desires are strong, they can be converted into clear commitments which in turn can cause the creation of time.

Be aware, when the drive and passion to accomplish a job or project are overflowing, you have all the time in the world.


People who become millionaires after winning the lotto are often treated with jealousy and contrmpt. The universe has a great deal of fun unmasking the untruths that you tell, like money solving everything.

Be aware, most people who win big money quit their jobs and try to spend their way to happiness and fulfillment, only to find themselves growing less and less happy.

TRUTH about C-H-A-N-G-E

Who you are is changeable. Reject the notion that you have permanent characteristics that dictate what you do. What you want undone or continued is within your control. You are not helpless or hardwired.

Be aware, the trick is to face the truth - knowing that the method of reinvention is always an internal intention to change - to play hard, to work hard, and to really go for your dreams.


Death gains power over you when you begin to worship your own past, or when you do everything for the sake of nostalgia and with a dull sense of what the future holds.

Be aware, avoid transferring your power to the past. It can waste your life when you use the bygone years this way. It makes the present feel empty of it's promise. It is not a shame that you were not able to record the past on video. It is more descreditable when you do not take hold of the present, or when you neglect to invent or re-invent a current life worthy of seeing through the video lens of your own mind.


The real truth is that the more astute you are, the more contented you become.

Be aware wisdom gives you joy. You become unhappy if you quit. As a writer said: " sadness comes from dimming the lights, not turning them up." Happiness on the other hand comes from being progressively wiser - from brightly lighting your consciousness with nwq knowledge, skill and power.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

TRUTH about W-O-R-R-Y-I-N-G

Deepak Chopra writes:" to worry is to pray for what you do not want".

Be aware, when you catch yourself perturbed, make note of it and act. Do something about it - it is a great way to train yourself not to worry especially if you loathe being an action man/woman. You worry because you are in the habbit of worrying. You worry in order to do nothing about a problem soon becomes the problem.


Marcus Aurelius said: " a noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea which is higher than himself; and a mean man by one lower than himself". The first one produces aspiration while the other ambition which is the way in which a vulgar man aspires.

One should not be involved in the self and in any kind of pursuits that are self-interested, but should be more for the community as a whole. The highest standard therefore to measure the ethics and morality is justice.

In China's economic development, some companies have actually pursued their profits at the expense of morality.

Be aware, true success in this short yet exciting life God has gifted us with is not just about money, fame, power or creature comforts; it should be more about the passion for and pursuit of excellence and goodness. As one writer said; success us basically meaured in terms of what we did in our lifetime that has an impact on others and eternity.

KNOWING H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S anonymous

You can not search happiness, It comes from within
It is not the things you purchase or the battles that you win,
It is counting on your blessings, accepting what you've got
Not wanting more and more, just being happy with your lot.

When you wake to greet each day with contentment in your heart
This will bring you much more joy than owning priceless works of art
For though the things you buy can bring you lots of pleasure
To be happy deep inside is far the greatest treasure.

Be aware, to be happy is "to live in the NOW" and not to dwell on the past. As the saying goes: the past is past, the future is ahead, but the p-r-e-s-e-n-t/gift is now to enjoy and cherish.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


TO STOP ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION AND WASTAGE caused by livestock and slaughterhouses. The production system that generates our grain-fed meat diet not only wastes our resources but helps destroys them said experts. Producing just 1 pound of steak uses 2,500 gallons of water. To produce a pound of steak which provides us with 500 calories of food energy takes 20,000 calories of fossil fuel, expended mainly in producing the crips fed to livestock.

Be aware, there is no doubt that corn and soybean meal are used with more efficiency and can provide food for more people when they are eaten directly by people rather than being fed to swine or poultry to be converted to pork, chicken meat or eggs for human consumption.

For the record: worldwide meat production - beef, chicken and pork emits more atmospheric greenhouse gasses than do all forms of global transportation or industrial processes.

Be aware, among options for mitigating climate change, changing diet is something one should consider.


TO STOP POVERTY ON GLOBAL SCALE. As more humans eat more flesh, more humans will actually be the poorer for it. About 1/3 of the worlds total grain harvest is fed to cattle and other livestock, while as many as billions of people suffer from chronic hunger and malnutrition experts observed.

Be aware, the fact is that there is enough food in the world for everyone. But tragically much of the worlds food and land resources are tied up in producing beef and other livestock - food for the well-off while millions of children and adults suffer from malnutrition and starvation. The meat-eating habits of the wealthy around the world supports a world food system that diverts food resources from the hungry.

Be aware, as Albert Einstein said: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet".


TO AVOID ANIMAL REVENGE. There is a reason doctors ask us to go easy on meat when we are diagnosed with chronic lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer. The moment you fed yourself on animal products, there is no telling what chemical cocktails come with it.

Most commercial meats now are from animals injected with hormones and antibiotics. Hormones to increase the animals weight and body mass and and antibiotics as prophylaxis against infections. Plus animal feeds have been contaminated with dioxin and melamine etc... and thats aside from the bad cholesterol and uric acid from meat dumped on our kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels explains the experts.

Be aware, research said: animal protein increases the levels of the hormone IGF-I which is a risk factor for cancer and high casein - (the main protein of cow's milk) diets allow more carcinogens into the cells, which allows more dangerous carcinogen products to bind to DNA. This in turn allow more mutagenic reactions that give rise to cancer cells that then allow more rapid growth of tumors once they are initially found.


To become a vegetarian / pescatarian is a choice - a much higher level of an environmentalist, for the following reasons:

TO END ANIMAL GENOCIDE. the endless cycle of violence and pain inflicted by humans upon billions of cruelly treated livestock. Try to see a dying cow's eyes and the terror in their final gasps of breath or spend just one minute inside a slaughterhouse during a killing spree and hear the pigs crying in fear and pain. Pity the chickens after being crammed mercilessly into wire mesh transports, their beaks are cut off just before their throats are slit.

Be aware, as the saying goes "you become what you eat". No wonder violence and brutal killing on humans also existed as reflected on what we did to the animals we eat.