3. WALLOW IN depression if you must, but snap out of it quickly.
You are entitled to be cheerless and heartbroken but...
BE aware, please don't make the negative feelings linger or you get drowned out. Move on. The more times you replay your disheartening story, the more you relive it.
4. INCREASE YOUR UNDERSTANDING and awareness of other people's world.
Picture a beach ball between you and the person infront of you. Your side of the ball is green with red stripes and his is yellow with orange dots - 2 different views of the same ball. No matter how rabid your stand is, you will not be able to convince the other person that your perspective is the right and acceptable standpoint. 2 opposing views, though do not necessarily mean one has to be wrong.
BE aware, accepting other people's point of view, allowing yourself to have a full understanding of it, and dealing with differences are critical factors in improving relationships. Thus, you are better armed to handle things and issues if you appreciate what influences your own and other people's outlook.
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