PRUNE JUICE. is distilled from dried plums and is most popularly known as a form of laxative because of its high-fiber content. There is more to prune juice, however, that is more powerful than you can ever imagine.
Prunes contain phenols, an antioxidant that blocks oxygen-based free radicals from damaging the body's fats. (The skin and brain cell membranes are mostly composed fats, and prune juice may help protect cell damage.) It also contains beta-carotene or vit A which also prevents cellular damage that may lead to blocked arteries due to cholesterol, certain cancers and heart diseases. The potassium also found in prunes may help lower the risk or stoke and high blood pressure.
Be aware, soluble fiber is probably the most beneficial property of prunes and prune juice. Fiber normalizes blood sugar levels by slowing down glucose and sugar. It also helps in the body's production of insulin, which may decrease the risks of diabetes. Make sure that the prune juice you buy is virtually additive-free. The additional sugars and other ingredients to boost the flavor may actually negate its health benefits.
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