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Sunday, December 13, 2009

IMMUNITY FOUNDATION for 2-6 years old kids

According to clinical studies, at ages 2-6, your childs's immunity foundation is still under develop. During this age, the lymphoid type organs contribute to his immunity are still under develop. Therefore, his ability to fight common to complex illnesses is still weak making him more susceptible to infections than older children. At this period, he has a high risk of contracting harmful viruses and bacteria.

All children have a natural developing defense system against sickness from childbirths but from ages 2-6, they need extra care to help strengthen it, and extra protection to shield them from dangers of the environment around them. Below are some tips to help your child fortify his immunity foundation.

1. Refrain from putting him in confined spaces. Keep in mind that they are breeding ground for harmful germs that can threaten his health. For playtime, bring him outdoors where there is fresh air and clean surroundings like the playground.

2. At this tender age, your child begins to learn how to share things like toys with siblings as well with other kids. Be mindful of what he holds and shares with others as these things might have harmful viruses and bacteria. To be sure, have him wash his hands regularly. This way, he has his first line of defense covered.

3. Always check if your child gets enough sleep because he needs to re-gain the energy he exerted during the day. If his body is re-energized, it will be strong to ward off sickness. So tuck him to sleep while reading a wonderful book or sharing a fun story.

4. During meal times, ensure that he gets the right amount of nutrients needed by his body. Serve only healthy foods. Be creative and give a simple vegetable dish an exciting twist, so that your kid will enjoy it more. And don't forget his daily dose of vitamins is essential to help his immunity foundation become stronger.

BE aware, the combination of Vitamin C and Zinc is most essential as it is equipped to help maximize your child's ability to fight sickness.

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