My Headlines

Saturday, December 5, 2009

EVERYDAY POISON- consume with caution 1 of 3

TRANSFAT. coming from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. Transfat signal bad news for your heart and have also been suspected of causing some cancer. Transfats can be found in margarine, cakes, cookies, chips and cookies. Avoid foods with ingredients that say "partially hydrogenated oils" . Such hydrogenated oils serve no useful nutritional function and make a poor substitute for more nutritious organic oils.

NITRITES. bacon, ham, beef jerky, salami and luncheon meat contain this chemical, sometimes in undetermined amounts. Nitrite inhibits the growth of the botulism bacteria and maintains the meat's red color. Although nitrite itself is not carcinogenic, it combines with naturally occuring chemicals called secondary or tertiary amines fo form carcinogenic nitrosamines. This reaction will occur in the food itself while it is sitting on the shelf or in the refrigerator or as it is being fried, but it also occurs withing the stomach once the food is ingested.

GROWTH HORMONES, VACCINES and other ANTIBIOTICS. you may not know it, but the meat, beef or poultry you consume comes with a veritable pharmacy of hormones, steroids and antibiotics. Diets high in calories and animal fat represents 2 major risk factors for breast cancer: obesity and exposure to carcinogenic and estrogenic industrial chemicals in animal fat.
Be aware, sex hormones, natural and synthetic are given up to 90% or more of the cattle raised for slaughter in the US which also leave residues in edible portions of meat.

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