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Saturday, December 19, 2009

HERBS -for de-stressing

The simple act of slowing down and enjoying a steaming cup of tea or monitoring your breathing as you inhale aromas will already allow your body and mind to start relaxing, alter your brain chemistry and help you settle down. Herbs and oils will enhance this process. If you are a person who enjoys hot baths, combining herbs or oils with heat is an effective way of combining 2 stress relieving methods.

Simply add herbs or oils to warm compresses or baths. If you have your own hot tub and you find that the heat relieves your stress, add a few drops of essential oil the next time you get in. If you do not have a bath tub, simply add a few drops to a basin of steaming water and inhale the steam - this will open up your pores too, for a nice home facial.

BE aware, shops that sell cosmetics will usually have aromatherapy oils. Also you can grow your own herbs in your garden for a quick fix and instant stress relief such as: chamomile, lemon, ginseng,rosemary, lavender and sir john wart.

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