My Headlines

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Everyone reacts to situation differently. Therefore it is important to figure out what triggers your stress reactions. We encounter stress everyday of our lives. The good kind makes us feel motivated, inspired or challenged. The kind of stress helps push us towards achievement or success.

Constant exposure to negative stress can lead to assorted health problems that range from simple headaches to severe depression or anxiety. Prolonged high levels of stress can eat up our nutrient and energy resources and create an overall state of exhaustion. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels increase, the stomach secretes too much acid, sex hormones decreasing one's resistance to colds, flu, and other types of illness.

At the end of the day, try to think back on people, situations and things that made you feel uncomfortable. Knowing what makes you react in a negative way is the first step towards stress relief because you can either avoid your triggers or find a better way of dealing them.

BE aware, there are many simple and inexpressive ways to reduce your stress levels on your own using common herbs and aromatic oils that you can find in your kitchen or in the grocery store spice shelf.

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