Zen practitioners said: " It is mindfulness awareness, being the now is meant by being in the moment". It is total attention to the task at hand whether it is washing a plate, conversing with someone, writing a paper, singing, dancing, painting, walking. . . But not to the exclusion of awareness of what is happening around - a fire next door, an emergency call, the pie burning.
Focus is enhanced by meditation. By going into the s-t-i-l-l-n-e-s-s. Silence is the space where answers come in. A little human effort is necessary for this discipline. One can begin by sitting 5 minutes-a-day in the same place at the same time. Just to establish a routine.
Be aware, at first it is difficult. But expectitions and boredom eventually vanish. Meditations becomes longer and more pleasurable and automaically stretches to 30 minutes or 1 hour. One must just not expect results. One can meditate for years and remain on the same plateau, But inevitably the big picture will merge. Silence is one's anchor. The home base to which
one will want to return againg and again.
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