1 Help prevent cancer and slow down aging. The deep-red watermelon variety have pigment lycopene, help prevent prostate cancer by countering bad effects of free radicals circulating in the body. Once we reduce these free radicals, we can theoritically slow down aging.
2 Good for the eyes. yellow watermelon is a good source of lutein, which is important for preventing age related macular degeneration.
3 Good for the heart and blood vessels. eating watermelon increases our body's arginine levels, and important amino acid, a substance that relaxes the blood vessels, improves blood flow and may save us from heart attack and stroke.
4 May be good for sex. citrulline is the special nutrient watermelon that gives rise to arginine when citrulline is converted to arginine, this can lead to the relaxation of the blood vessels which is the same basic effect of drugs for erectile dysfunction like viagra and andros.
5 Source of alkaline water. watermelon is made up of 92% alkaline water which our body need.
6 Good for the mouth and digestive tract. starting from the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines. Relieves mouth sores and minimize bad breath. As it goes down the intestines, it can treat constipation and normalize bowel movement.
7 Good for the kidneys, bladder and those with gout. Effective in dealing with the kidneys and bladder. It does not contain uric acid and can help people with gout by reducing the amount of uric acid in the body.
8 Your natural energy drink. a rich source of B vitamins, electolytes and potassium. B vitamins are needed for energy production and potassium is essential for heart and muscle contraction.
9 Prevents heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Arginine can help remove ammonia from the body (bad stuff in the urine) In South Africa watermelon rind is placed on the forehead and temples to cool a headache.
10 Treatment for heat rash and burns. Heat rashes are pimple-like eruptions on the back and chest area due to excessive sweating and heat. The cooling effect of watermelon rind relieves heat rashes.
11 Contains glutathione. Contains more glutathione per bite than 95 other fruits and vegetables. Glutathione is responsible for skin whitening and antioxidants.
Be aware, every 2 cups of watermelon(280 g) contains 80 calories, 0 fat, 27g carbohydrates, 10mg sodium, 80mcg vit A lots of Vit B'S 80mg vit c, 18mg lycopene, and ample amounts of potassium, iron and calcium.
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