Those without insight dwell mainly in the realm of the obvious: the expected . . . the essentials. The dimentions that interest them are width, and length, not depth. Please understand, I do not mean to be critical of those who can not go-deeper . . but of those who can, but will not. I am not pointing my finger at inability but rather refusal.
For illustration, take the boatload of disciples in Mark 6. Immediately after Jesus had miraculously fed thousands of people with a few loaves and fish, he sent his men away in a boat as he slipped off to a quiet place to pray. A storm later broke upon the sea, and they were filled with panic. He came to their rescue shortly thereafter and calmed the sea as he stilled the wind and assured them not to be afraid.
Mark comments: "they were greatly astonished, for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.
Be aware, it was not that they were unable to understand. They did not want to understand.
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