My Headlines

Sunday, January 31, 2010

HERCEPTIN against breast cancer

High-risk breast cancer patients with HER2-positive tumors benefit from receiving the targeted therapy herceptin while under going chemotherapy, new research shows. The reason why Herceptin is so valuable to patients who have locally advanced breast cancer is they have a very bad prognosis. The cancer are usually bigger. They may have spread in the lymph nodes in the armpits and they're usually not small enough to be cut out to preserve the breast.

When a patient with locally advanced breast cancer, the doctor treats them first with chemotherapy, to shrink the tumor, along with trastuzumab (Herceptin). Once chemo is completed - after about 6 months, it is easier to operate and remove the tumor. Then the patient is continued on Herceptin for a year, followed by radiation.

Previous research has shown that Herceptin with chemotherapy helped women with both early and metastatic breast cancer live longer. 71% of women who received Herceptin were alive without recurrence at the end of 3 years.


When it comes to skin color desirability, there are 2 main schools of thought - the Sun Worshipers and the Snow Whites. Many of us know the dangers of basking under the sun one too many times, like your face looking more wrinkled, as if that wasn't bad enough, there's the potential risk of skin cancer.

On the other side, it is not a particularly uncommon aspiration for those who were born with darker skin to want to lighten up. The desire for a creamy complexion is a potentially dangerous one. The whitening lotions widely available on the market today claiming results in just days seem too good to be true for the naturally born tanned and they probably are.

Hydroquinone is the most commonly-used skin-whitening ingredient in the world, and has been widely used to treat hyper-pigmentation, age spots, melasma and the like - with proven effectiveness because of its potency. Sounds good, but not really. Studies have shown that frequent use of the products containing this have been linked to a medical condition known as "ochronosis" that causes the skin to become dark, thick and develop dome-shaped yellowish or grayish spots that are difficult to remove. Some studies also report abnormal functions of the adrenal glands and high levels of mercury in people who have used hydroquinone-containing cosmetics. Other side effects include loss of skin elasticity, poor wound healing, appearance of skin nodules, and fish odor syndrome. Hydroquinone is also a potent carcinogen.

Be aware, for the above reasons, hydroquinone use in cosmetic products has already been banned in Japan, the European Union, Australia and Canada. In the US, only products that contain 2% or less hydroquinone are available over the counter, while anything up to 4% require a prescription and supervision of a physician.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Binay Maharjan said that - " a smile is a glow on our face. It is more powerful than a bulb of one thousand watts and the warmth it gives can serve us more than any electric heater. We are not fully dressed until we wear a smile on our face. A smile has the power of liberating one from loneliness.

In her own analogy about smile she said: "A flower is a symbol of gratitude. The blossoming is the indication of living life in its full light, realizing its totality. It is an offering, a proof of being thankful to God for the creation of such a tremendously beautiful world. A smile is the door that gratefulness. The world is hungry for our facial expression. It is good to satisfy that hunger.

If to smile is difficult for you to do, here are some tips to consider:

Get comfortable with smiling - It is true that a smile does show a little vulnerability, but that's part of what makes it as powerful. No matter what people almost always respond better to a smile.

Think happy thoughts - The easiest way to a great smile is to be happy. Remarkably, when you are feeling down, smiling can help cheer you up even if you have to coax a smile at first.

Smile with your eyes - When we think of smiling, we think of the mouth, but the eyes may actually be more essential to a warm genuine smile. With practice, you'll be able to smile with your eyes at will.

Develop your smile - Keep smiles feel, so that you'll be able to replicate it. There is nothing like wearing a smile on your face. It can make your day as well as the day of others.

ESSENTIALS for heart health

1. Keep away from cigarettes
2. Keep a slender physique
3. Get some exercise
4. Eat a healthy diet
5. Keep your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure in check

Research shows that most 50 year-olds who do that can live another 40 years free of stroke and heart disease, two of the most common killers. Below is a quiz to help you gauge how close they are to the ideal. If you fall a bit short, it offers tip for improving. These 7 factors, if you can keep them ideal or control them - end up being the fountain of youth for your heart. You live longer, you live healthier longer, you have much better quality of life on older age, require less medication, less medical care. Specifically, those with ideal cardiovascular health can answer yes to the following questions:

- Never smoked or quit more than 1 year ago
- Body mass index less than 25
- Get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week
- Meet at least four of these dietary recommendations:
4 1/2 cups of fruit and vegetables daily
2 or more 3.5 ounce servings a week of fish
drink no more than 36 ounces of sugar sweetened beverages at work
3 or more 1 ounce serving of fiber-rich whole grains a day
less than 1,500 milligrams a day of salt
- Total cholesterol of less than 200
- Blood pressure below 120/80
- Fasting blood glucose less than 100

The doctors found in a recent survey that showed 39% of Americans thought they had ideal heart health, yet 54% of those had been told they had either heart disease risk factor or needed to make a lifestyle change to improve heart health.

Be aware, many people are surprised to find out how overweight they maybe. People are far too accepting of their waistline, researched found out.

Monday, January 25, 2010

SITTING TOO MUCH could be deadly

Study suggest that people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die. While health officials issued guidelines recommending minimum amounts of physical activity, they have not suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated position.

Research said that; after 4 hours of sitting, the body starts to send harmful signals. Genes regulating the amount of glucose and fat in the body start to shut down. Even people who exercise, spending long stretches of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. People who exercise daily - but still spend a lot of time sitting - might get more benefit if that exercise were spread across the day, rather than in a single bout.

In a study published last year that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians about a dozen years researchers found people who sat more had a higher death risk, independently of whether or not they exercised. But it seems the more you can get up and interrupt this sedentary behavior, the better.

Be aware, figures from a U.S. survey in 2003-2004 found Americans spend more than half their time sitting, from working at their desks to sitting on cars.


Eric Liddell was born to Scottish missionary parents in Tianjin, Northern China in 1902. In 1908, Eric and his brother Robert were left in England for formal schooling. It was there where the athletic prowess of the two brothers was first discovered. Later on, they went to Edinburgh University where Eric earned the honor of being the top 100-yard sprinter and second-fastest 200-yard runner in the whole university. He also won the 100-yard sprint in the Scottish University Sports Competition.

Eric has a good attitude and sportsmanship. He would always shake each contestant's hand before a competition and wish him success. He sometimes volunteer to run the outside lane, which runners avoid. Although shy by nature, Eric volunteered to speak in gospel campaigns and it was there that he realized that God gave him the gift of fame to share His message to other people.

He then tried for the British Olympic team in 1923 and after winning the qualifying heat and finals, he was entered in the 100-meter and 200-meter races for the upcoming Olympic Games.
However, three months before the start of the Games, he learned that the heats for the 100-meter sprint were scheduled on a Sunday. Eric had never run and would never run on a Sunday because to him it was a day of rest and reverence for God. Because of his decision, some called him a traitor to his country. To resolve the issue, the British Olympic Committee asked him to consider running the 200-meter and 400-meter races, to which Eric agreed. During the games, it was Abrahams who won the gold medal for Great Britain in the 100-meter race. Eric subsequently won the bronze medal for the 200-meter race but was not expected to win the 400-meter race.

Eric honored God and God honored him indeed. To the amazement of many, he won the 400-meter over the much favored American and Swiss runners ad even set a new world record. He is an example of a man who used his talents and fame for the glory of His Creator. In the movie "The Flying Man" he said: "I believe that God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. When I run, I feel His presence".

After graduation, he went to China as a missionary. When World War II broke out, he gave up his opportunity to be released through POW exchange to a pregnant woman.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

MEMO from GOD - how our HE answer our prayers

An unknown author shows us how God takes care of us. He deserves our gratefulness and acknowledgment.

"I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it.
Kindly put it in the SFGTD -something for God to do box. All situations will be resolved, but in MY time, not yours.

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold unto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

If you find yourself stuck in the traffic, don't despair. There are people in this world for which driving is unheard of privilege.

Should you have a bad day at work, think of the man who has been out of work for years.

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad, think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return.

Should you grieve the passing of another weekend, think of the woman in dire straits, working 12 hours a day, seven days a wee to feed her children.

Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance, think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.

Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror, think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.

Should you find yourself loss and pondering what life is all about, asking what is my purpose? Be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.

Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smartness or insecurities, remember, things could be worse. You could be one of them!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

WHEATGRASS to prevent blood disorders

Throughout history, the healing benefits of green foods have been recognized where mammals and aborigines have survived primarily on grasses and green plants when diseases strike. The benefits of various green foods seem related to their chlorophyll content. In 1911, it was discovered that so-called green plants or green foods have molecular structure similar to that of hemoglobin (red blood cells), except that hemoglobin is attached to the metallic ion of iron, while chlorophyll with the metallic ion of magnesium. Chlorophyll is the blood of the plant. Wheatgrass, being the most popular is the major source of chlorophyll as it contains the highest level of chlorophyll so it's also called "green blood".

Loaded with VitB12 and Folic acid vital to red blood cell production, wheatgrass is 70% chlorophyll ( the green part of plant),helps build red blood cells quickly after ingestion. Evidence of the blood cleansing and blood rebuilding abilities of chlorophyll is found in wheatgrass including its effect on the circulatory system and oxygen supply, and its role detoxifying and regeneration of the liver.

In a pilot study, wheatgrass juice helped reduce transfusion requirements in patients with thalassemia major: Marwaha, R., Bansal, D., Kaur, S., Trehan A. 2004. Indian Ped 41:716-720, whereby... "Patients with thalassemia consuming wheatgrass on a daily basis reduced on average their requirements for blood transfusion." Wheatgrass is thus considered beneficial in treating anemia, high blood pressure, relieving nervousness and as a mild diuretic mainly due to its magnesium content, even normalizing high blood pressure and stimulating healthy tissue cell growth.

BE aware, according to Dr. G.H. Thomas, chlorophyll in wheatgrass is the richest nutritional liquid known to man. 15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrot, lettuce, celery . . . and so forth.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ASTHMA control and preventive measure

Asthma is a disease that affects the breathing passages of the lungs ( bronchi and bronchioles). It is caused by the chronic inflammation and narrowing of these airways resulting in difficulty in inhaling or exhaling. Extreme asthma can cause your lungs to take in volumes of air that are not adequately exhaled: this can result in respiratory failure.

While asthma cannot be cured, with early diagnosis, proper medication and treatment, it can be controlled. The condition should not prevent patients from leading normal and full lives. The basic symptom of asthma includes' chest tightness, cough, air hunger, and shortness of breath. There is a cough variant asthma that does not manifest the usual symptoms other than a dry cough. The cough is usually dry because the airway is too narrow to expectorate any phlegm.

If a person feels that he might have asthma, he should see a pulmonologist or doctor right away for testing and diagnosis. They will evaluate you on any or all of the following:
1 family history- a common factor for asthma to occur within the family
2 medical history
3 symptoms, how frequently these occur and improvement with medication
4 allergies
5 individual triggers that seem to set off asthma symptoms, which include dust mites, pollution
6 lung function

There are two different types of medication involved in asthma; controller and relievers

Relievers - act by opening your airways and allowing more air to pass through. They however
do not directly address the underlying problem of airway inflammation. Relievers are very good at alleviating symptoms immediately but are only a short-term solution to breathing problems.

Controllers - the more effective medicines for the long run, These medications target the main problem by addressing the inflammation and treating it instead of providing a quick fix. Controllers should be taken regularly at prescribed dosages.

BE aware, life as an asthmatic does not have to be difficult. It is important to know that asthma is not contagious or infectious. Also asthma course and manifestations can easily be controlled so that people who happen to have asthma can lead normal and regular unhampered lives not bound by any restrictions.

CANCER what to do about it

Taking time amidst a busy schedule to do breast self-examinations and physical examinations will prove to be powerful tool in ensuring that a person can remain breast-cancer free, or at least diagnosed early for better recovery. Before you decide on a course of treatment, you must have a deeper understanding of breast cancer and what the results of your diagnosis indicate. You must also understand which type or combinations of treatment will be best for you. The specific treatment will depend on your test results, age, general health and family history.

Cancer treatment options.
A number of treatment methods can be administered on patients to cure breast cancer, limit the spread of the disease and provide relief of symptoms which includes:

>Primary systemic therapy (neo-adjuvant therapy) - aims to reduce tumor size for breast con-
serving surgical treatment.
>Surgery - removing the tumor through a lumpectomy
> Adjuvant radiation therapy - high energy x-rays to destroy cancer cells
>Hormonal therapy - some breast cancers are dependent on estrogen (ER-positive) This kind
of therapy blocks the growth of ER-positive tumors.
>Chemotherapy - used as a component of treatment in both early disease and advanced disease
settings. A number of chemo drugs are used alone or in combination with other therapies
such as anthacyclines, taxanes, alkylating agents and oral chemotherapy capecitabine,
which lessens symptoms associated with chemotherapy and can be taken orally in the
patient's convenience, usually at home.

BE aware, instead of rushing through things, it is better to talk to your doctor and be pro-
active in your treatment and recovery every step of the way. Most breast lumps are harmless, with up to 3 or 4 lumps that are suspected of being cancerous turning out to be benign cysts,
fibromas or lipomas. If discovered early, breast cancer is highly treatable. Once breast cancer is diagnosed, surgery is often done to remove lumps. Various types of treatment are available, each with its own benefits or risks. It is best to discuss diagnostic procedures and treatment options with your physician and family.

EXERCISE varied effects

Exercise seems to simultaneously make people hungrier, yet more readily satisfied by a meal - and differences in these responses from person to person may help explain why some exercisers shed pounds more easily than others, researchers say.

In a study of 58 overweight and obese adults who started an exercise regimen, researchers found that exercise tended to boost participant's hunger before a meal, compared with their sedentary days. On the other hand, they were also more easily satisfied by their morning meal than they had been before becoming active.

But while both effects were generally at work across the study group, there were subtler differences between participants who were more successful in their weight loss and those whose extra pounds stubbornly hung on. In general, exercisers who did not meet their expected weight loss were both hungrier after fasting - that is, right before breakfast - and throughout the day, compared with their hunger ratings at the study's chart.

In contrast, those who were more successful in shedding pounds generally saw their pre-breakfast appetites increase after becoming active. But they were not hungrier throughout the day. The reason that some people are more successful (at weight loss) could be due to a lesser increase in appetite and the prevention of an increase in food intake. But the bottom line for new exercisers is that they should not throw in the towel if they start feeling more hungry than normal - or fail to shed as many pounds as they'd been hoping.

BE aware, other research shows that exercise has health benefits - like improved cardiovascular fitness, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol - even if weight loss is modest. Exercise is good for you, don't expect unrealistic weight loss and don't give up exercising just because of lower-than-expected weight loss.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Studies have shown that signs of heart disease begin developing in childhood. It is a well-established fact that high blood cholesterol levels play a role in the development of coronary heart disease in adults. Because studies have also shown that signs of atherosclerosis begins in childhood, lowering levels of elevated blood cholesterol in children and adolescents is beneficial.

Although smoking is still the leading preventable cause of cardiovascular disease, obesity is quickly gaining on it. Cardiovascular disease is mostly preventable, so understanding these serious health threats can make a lifesaving difference. It is so important to reduce risk factors, particularly those that we have control over. First stop: your fridge.

TAKE stock of what's inside. Once a month, pull everything out and separate the better-for-you foods from the rest. Choose more low-fat and fat-free dressing, condiments, sauces and tablespreads instead of full fat ones.

HIDE desserts. Stow away desserts and other indulgent foods in the crisper, so they're " out of sight, out of mind". Fruits and veggies should be kept on the refrigerator shelf where you can see and eat them.

SUBSTITUTE lower-fat foods for higher-fat ones. A simple substitution like soft margarine for butter over a week's time can save you an entire day's worth of saturated fat.

FREEZE foods in portion sizes to make healthy eating easier. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing card? The standard service size for pasta is one cup (or the size of a walkman) and half a cup for vegetables (about the size of a tennis ball).

FREEZE fruit for fun. Freeze fruits such as bananas, grapes and orange slices to make them more fun to eat for children. Next time they want a sweet snack, offer them frozen fruit rather than ice cream.

BE aware, eating a diet with the right amount of calories that is low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol is a balancing act. One way to assure a varied, healthy diet is to wisely choose foods everyday.

Friday, January 15, 2010

TV can kill- Australian research

People who spend more than 4 hours in front of the television each day have a far higher risk of dying early than those who limit their viewing, said Australian study. Watching the small screen for prolonged periods is also bad for your heart, according to the research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Compared to people who watch less than 2 hours of television per day, people who watch more than 4 hours per day have a 46% higher risk of death from all causes, research said. They also have 80% increased risk from cardiovascular disease. Sitting down for long periods stops the body from using its muscles and adequately processing sugars and fats.

The findings come from a 6-year study into the viewing habits of some 8,800 Australians which stripped out the influence of other health factors such as age, sex, smoking, weight and exercise. Australians watch tv an average of three hours a day.

BE aware, the study found that even people who exercised regularly were potentially hurting their bodies by sitting down for extended periods.

AUSTRALIA bakes under hottest decade on record

Australia experienced its hottest decade on record from 2000 to 2009 due to global warming, the nation's bureau of meteorology said as annual summer bushfires again burn drought lands and destroy homes. The average temperature in Australia over the past 10 years was 0.48 degrees Celsius above the 1961-1990 average. And 2010 is forecast to be even hotter, with temperatures likely to be between 0.5 and 1 degrees average.

"We're getting these increasingly warm temperatures, not just for Australia but globally. Climate change, global warming is clearly continuing. We're in the latter stages of an El Nino event in the Pacific Ocean and what that means for Australia and global temperatures is that 2010 is likely to be another very warm year - perhaps even the warmest on record,"sai bureau climatologist David Jones.

Environment Minister Peter Garrett used the report to attack opposition politicians for blocking the government's key climate policy, a carbon emissions trading scheme aimed at reducing greenhouses gases causing global warming. "Australia is one of the hottest and driest inhabited places on earth and our environment and economy will be one of the hardest and fastest hit by climate change" said Garrett. "Today's statement finds that the patterns of the last year and the decade are consistent with global warming. It (passing the ETS) is in the national interest of the world," he said.

The government has promised to reintroduce its ETS legislation to parliament in February, a move which may trigger an early election in 2010 if the legislation is again defeated. An election is due in late 2010.

The year 2009 will be remembered for "extreme bushfires, dust-storms, lingering rainfall deficiencies, areas of flooding and record-breaking heatwaves," said the bureau. In fact, 2009 was Australias second warmest year on record, with the annual mean temperature 0.90 degrees Celsius above the 1961-1990 average, driven by three record breaking heatwaves that caused Australias most deadly bushfires, killing 173 people.


BEIJING AIR very polluted

The number of registered vehicles in Beijing topped 4million this week, state media reported meaning a quarter of the 16 million permanent residents in China's capital have a car. The number of qualified drivers in the city, often beset by traffic jams and air pollution, reached 5.68 million Xinhua news agency reported. About 13.6 million people used public transport every day, up 11.1% from last year researched said.

Compared with other metropolises in the world, the growth of vehicles in Beijing is dramatic. It took Beijing 48 years for the number of vehicles on its streets to increase from 2,300 in 1949 to first 1 million in 1997. It took 6 and 1/2 years to register the second million, report said the pace of growth has continued to accelerate. Last year, government vehicles and all private automobiles were banned from Beijing's roads for one day each week, depending on their licence plate number in measures aimed at easing congestion and curbing emissions.

BE aware, Beijing's air is among the most polluted in the world, and the problem is getting worse amid high demand for private vehicles from its increasingly affluent residents. China's total car sales outstripped those of the United States for the first time in January to make the Asian giant the world's biggest auto market, helped by government efforts to stimulate domestic consumption. At present, Beijing vehicles exceed 4 million.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


There are many reasons Japan's population headed for a sharp decline, but one of them is that for working women giving birth usually spells the death of their careers. The country's new center-left government is trying to defuse a ticking demographic timebomb - is working to change laws and mindsets in a bid to boost Japan's birth rate, one of the worlds lowest.

It is up against entrenched attitudes about women in the workplace and motherhood, as one twenty-something mother-to-be experienced when her employer recently handed her a pre-written resignation letter. "The personnel just gave me the letter" she recalled. "I was told to copy it by hand, sign it and date it. When I didn't do it immediately, the supervisor yelled at me. "I finally gave in," said the woman. who worked at a big publishing house and asked not to be named. "In the end, I was almost relieved to stop work, because the atmosphere in the office had just become so stifling."

Such cases are especially frequent for temporary workers such as the Tokyo woman, who said she had received no unemployment benefits since her 'voluntary resignation' when her boss showed her the door several months ago.

Japan's new government, which ended half a century of almost unbroken conservative rule when it took power in September, has embarked on a campaign to make Japan a more equal and family-friendly nation. The problem is existential for Japan, the world's number two economy. Its population of about 127 million, on current trends, is projected to decline to 95 million by 2050. That would leave the country with a ratio of only 1.5 economically active people per retiree by 2050 - compared to about three workers per retiree now.

Japan, famously reluctant to open up its doors to more than a trickle of immigrants, is in part banking on advances in robotics to care for its army of elderly in the future. The fertility rate, the average number of children a woman has in her lifetime, dropped below the population replacement level of 2.07 in the 1970's , setting the island-nation on the path for contraction. It hit bottom at 1.26 in 2005 before creeping up to 1.37 last year.

Be aware, to beat the drum for a new baby boom, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has appointed Mizuho Fukushima, leader of a junior coalition partner, as his State Minister for the Declining Birthrate and Gender Equality.

FROZEN MEAL calorie counts in US restaurants not always true

Weight watchers who swear by the calorie counts that many restaurants in the United States display on their menus, take head: the numbers don't always tell the truth. Researchers at Taft University's Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy found that around half the dishes served in popular US restaurants delivered more calories than stated on the menu, with some packing double the stated energy value.

Researchers found discrepancies in the portion sizes the restaurants said they were serving and the actual size of the meal that showed up on the diner's plate, said the study published in the January edition of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

The researchers analyzed the calorie content of 18 side dishes and main courses from five popular sit-down restaurant chains - Applebee's, Denny's, Olive Garden, P F Chang's and Ruby Tuesday - and 11 sides and main courses from fast food restaurants Domino's, Dunkin Donuts, Mc Donald's, Taco Bell and Wendy's. Ten frozen meals bought at supermarkets were also analyzed.

On average, restaurant foods were found to contain 18 percent more calories than what was stated on the menu, and frozen meals averaged eight percent more calories than stated on their packaging. "Those don't sound like huge numbers but that really adds up over time. It's the difference between maintaining your weight and gaining 10 pounds", researchers said.

Be aware, some of the restaurant items contained more than twice the calories listed on the menu, including P F Chang's Sichuan-style asparagus. It delivered 558 calories for a 348-gram serving rather than the 260 calories listed on the menu, according to the testing done by the Tuft's researchers.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

LIFE is . . .

What happens to our life rests solely in our hands. We can make or unmake our life depending on our outlook if we believe that life does not end when misery strikes us in our most unguarded moments, then we can live a life with a purpose, if not then it's a matter of choice.

Thomas Chairmers once said: " The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. As another writer said:" the key to happiness in life is to have a clearly defined purpose for living." Life indeed is a gift and we have to make the most of it.

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it
Life is beauty , admire it
Life is a dream , realize it
Life is a challenge , meet it
Life is a duty , complete it
Life is a game , play it
Life is fragile , hold it
Life is a promise , fulfill it
Life is sorrow , overcome it
Life is a struggle , accept it
Life is a tragedy , confront it
Life is adventure , dare it
Life is luck , make it
Life is precious ,do not destroy it

In the spiritual realm, when the sailing of life becomes tough, we can make the most of it by putting our trust in God's hand.


Sometimes we don't get sick by accident. Our bodies malfunction because of our own doing. Any form or shape of disease can begin with self-affliction. What you do with your body is what you make of your health and your life. Disease is not a localized problem but a whole body phenomenon. It's growth process is affected by biological conditions; poor nutrition, lack of oxygen, environmental toxins and other factors like hormonal imbalance. Whether a disease will metastasize into something like cancer or it will heal on its own, all depends on the biological terrain of your body.

When you don't feel well, your first line of defense ought to be for you to look inside your heart so you can understand the biological trrrain of your body. If something happens to you like an accident, again understand your biological terrain to know how your body and vital organs are reacting to the trauma.

Know that there are 2 ways of treating a disease :
1 conventional treatment which means drugs and surgery
2 natural healing or alternative medicine which means optimizing the internal terrain and enabling the patient's internal system to destroy the source of the disease or the tumor. It enhances the patient's health so that the cancer cells cannot grow or multiply.

Dr. Allen Greenberg said: "I can honestly say that unless you are in serious accident, the best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and other forms of natural medicine." He said, " Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure. Most surgery is unnecessary. In short, our mainstream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal.

Prominent cancer researcher, Dr. Hardin Jones said;"my studies have proved conclusively that cancer patients who refuse chemotherapy and radiation actually lived up to 4 times longer than treated cases. Beyond a shadow of doubt, radical surgery on cancer does more harm than good. Alternative medical treatment means you must look at healing in a holistic way. Healing and therapy will work only when there is a change in diet, lifestyle and psychological and emotional outlook such as proactive and positive energies. Healing by alternative medicine entails working with the body and boosting whatever immune system the patient still has.

What happens is that chemotherapy, radiation, drugs, and radical surgeries can devastate the immune system. Cancer is a disease of the immune system. It is caused by a depressed immune system. The mainstream treatment through drugs is a quick fix solution but not necessarily a lasting solution. It denies and ignores the self-healing capacities of the body. Because it tampers with God's innate creation, something can go wrong.

BE aware, the other thing about alternative medicine is your spiritual terrain. To be complete, a healing system must be able to cover the entire field of human experience - physically, mentally and spiritually. Any system which denies any part of this trinity can fail to heal. It is important to acknowledge that the author and finisher of life is not your doctor.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Seasons in our Life

Nature offers us many seasons in life. One cannot judge a tree or a person by only one season. One has to experience its other seasons in order to fully understand and appreciate the four seasons.

The events in our life are never permanent, the changes occur now and then that sometimes when these happened we are unprepared of its eventuality. But whatever happens, we have to go with the flow on what life can offer as so as to cushion ourselves from further pain and trust in our hearts that whatever storm that comes to our life, "This too shall pass". What matters most is our attitude and actuation toward the situation. Otherwise, we might lose our balance with our perspective in dealing life.

There's nothing like having a sunny disposition to make us go through the rough and stormy sea that we encounter. As author Norman Vincent Paul said: "that a positive attitude is a match for all the gloom and depression that affects so many these days". It is almost magical how a sunny disposition and joyful positive attitude chases the gloom away.

It is not easy to remain joyful in the face of adversity, but it should encourage us to know that God is working all things for good and we'll get done exactly. What God wants us to do is to pray for wisdom because all too often our frustration obstruct the right thing that we ought to do in finding the solution in the dilemma.

BE aware, when faced with impending change, remind yourself of previous crisis you have handled successfully. You may think you don't have the strength to deal with it, but you do. Take your fears, hurts, and questions to God. Ask Him for the strength to release the past and for a positive attitude to envision a bright future.


In this rat-race world that we are in, it is of paramount importance that we should pamper ourselves with the waxes of inner peace and tranquility. Some of us may not realize its benefits of which are the following:
1 it improves our ability to handle efficiently the daily affairs of life
2 it enables us not to be affected by what people think or say about us
3 it makes us feel relax and free
4 it makes us fall asleep and have a good sleep
5 it eliminates negative, futile and restless thinking
6 it makes our immune system stronger

Frederic Premji cites ways to free ourselves from being anxious and fearful.
ACCEPT what is.
Why worry about something that all the worrying in the world will not change? Once you open the blinds to this fact and start accepting what is that you can not change, you automatically relieve yourself of a mountain of stress and anxiety.

LEARN the power of SMILE.
Whenever you are laughing or smiling, something interesting happens. Not only does something happens on a chemical level to make you feel better, but also stops all stress and negativity from entering your psyche. A simple smile can make such a difference.

CARE about others.
You will never find peace by being self-consumed and only worrying about your own needs and wants. When you genuinely care about other people, so much goodness comes right out. There is great peace and wisdom in thinking and caring about other people, which we are blind to when we are too deep within our own selfish ways.

NEVER lose hope.
With hope, you always have a path towards peace.

BE aware, researchers have shown that people who are deeply devoted to their faith have a higher life expectancy and are less likely to have diseases such as cancer.

JINGLE SOUNDS sun alarm at Australian beaches

Australian health officials have devised a novel way to warn beach goers of the dangers of the sun-play a jingle to remind them to apply sunscreen. As Australians embark on what promises to be another extremely hot summer, the Cancer Council of New South Wales introduced the five-second musical ditty to convince people to abandon tanning and wear skin protection.

It is to be played at beaches in Cronulla in Sydney's south and Gosford to the north at regular intervals during the day this summer in a bid to cut down on dangerous sun exposure by young people. " Although most teenagers know the importance of protecting their skin, it's easy to forget when out and about having fun", cancer prevention expert said.

Expert said the melody to be broadcast over loud speakers usually used to warn surfers of sharks was designed to be a "friendly reminder" to sun lovers to apply sunscreen, wear a hat and sunglasses and keep in the shade in the hottest part of the day.

Many people don't realize sun damage in the first 15 years of life greatly increases the risk of skin cancer in later life - experts said.

BE aware, Melanoma is the most common form of cancer in people aged 15-44 in Australia, which has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

KANGEN WATER is "Miracle Water"

A water-purifying machine invented by the Japanese is now touching and transforming the lives of the people. This device when simply attached to a faucet rids water of bacteria and impurities, With the press of a button, 5 different waters are produced by this machine :
1 Clear Water - used for baby formula and for taking medication
2 Strong acidic Water - is a powerful anti-bacterial disinfectant (used to disinfect surgery rooms)
3 Beauty Water -exactly matches the ph of the skin (acts as a powerful anti-aging beautifier)
4 Kangen Water - or "Miracle Water" which helps heal damaged cells. It is such a powerful anti-oxidant, it diminishes the effects of free radicals. These free radicals account for 70% of all diseases including some forms of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's.

Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer.
Dave Perkins was told by doctors in 1999 "You are terminally ill. There is nothing else we can do for you. Afflicted with non-Hodgkins lymphoma cancer, Dave had signs of heart failure, kidney failure, and extreme nausea from chemotherapy. His spleen had also been removed. After drinking Kangen Water, Dave's health dramatically improved, until he no longer showed signs of cancer.

Losing Weight
Bobby Suetsugu was a successful sumo wrestler for 15 years during which he weighed as much as 385 pounds. After retiring, he found it difficult to lose weight even with regular exercise. Until he discovered Kangen Water and drank 1 gallon a day and lost 130 pounds in one year. Now a Kangen Water advocate, he has educated people about how Kangen Water has restored the health of people afflicted with cancer, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, gout, high blood pressure and gastro-intestinal problems.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Jayvee Pacifico was taking care of his wife Aurora who was suffering from a painful case of rheumatoid arthritis, which had bedridden for 3 months. She was in constant pain, and her weight had dropped from 130 to 89 pounds. Within the first 2 days of drinking Kangen Water, the symptoms of her acid reflux completely disappeared. After 7 months, Kangen Water helped relieve her rheumatoid arthritis. Now Jayvee is one of the top distributors of Kangen Water in the United States, Europe, Canada and Philippines.

Hironari Oshiro, CEO and president of Enagic ( the company that manufactures the Kangen Water machine in Japan) said: "Our pledge is to realize a revolution in true health and to wage the battle against aging". In 2002, Enagic was awarded an honorable endorsement from the Japanese Association of Preventive Medicine for Adult Diseases. It is the only water tech onology officially approved for its health merits by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare.

In Japanese, the word kangen means "return to origin". Kangen Water is produced in your own home when the machine is simply connected to your faucet. Tap water is filtered, then restructured through ionization. The ionization process replaces your water soluble acids with calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and trace minerals to create great-tasting alkaline water. It aids in the displacement of acids through the body's normal channels of elimination including the kidneys, bowels, lymph nodes and skin.

BE aware, your colon's condition, state of health and vitality is very dependent on what you eat and what you drink. Drinking lots of kangen water is highly recommended. Change your water and change your life.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

FULLFILLING New Year's Resolution

If you want to introduce a new habit, you must commit doing it 21 times in a row to make it stick. For example, if you resolve to exercise every day for 15 minutes, you must do so for 21 days straight. If you miss one day, start again from one and continue till you hit 21 times straight. If you can do that, it is practically guaranteed that you will more or less pursue your resolutions faithfully and feel good about yourself.

A highly recommended habit:

ENGAGE in a spiritual practice that involves a lot of self- investigation.
For some, this means contemplative retreats where they can peruse their inner selves with great intensity and honesty. For others, it could be the mind-body approach or yoga in it's many variations. The benefit of zen practice is that it will help to center yourself in the midst of the glitz and the ego-excesses that public life imposes on a person. It can help you experience - True Seeing or see things as they really are. It is not easy and in many ways it will "break you". But what you will discover inside yourself will amaze you.

HK air pollution life-threatening level now

The roadside air pollution index recorded by the Environmental Protection Department showed there were 44 days of "very high pollution" in Central district last year. The figure was significantly higher than 39 days in 2008 and 13 days in 2005 the South China Morning Post said.

"Very high pollution" levels - with the air pollution index exceeding 100 - can significantly aggravate the symptoms of people with heart or respiratory illness, the department said. Healthy people may experience irritation to the eyes, wheezing, coughing and sore throat.

A department spokesman said the trend could be partly attributed to unfavorable weather conditions and that the index did not reflect the full picture. "Selective picking of a certain range of Air Pollution Index readings for comparison will not give a fair and comprehensive picture of how air quality changers over the years.

However, a team of scientists said findings from their own research show that the roadside pollutant levels in Central were two or three times higher than the government figures considering they used mobile measuring devices, while the government used stationary tools.

BE aware, air quality in Hongkong continues to deteriorate due to emissions from the southern Chinese factory belt over Hongkong's northern border and local emissions from power generators and transport. The city has been wrapped in a thick blanket of haze for most days in recent months.

Monday, January 4, 2010

DISINFECTANTS cause some bacteria to adapt, thrive

To keep sickness at bay, many of us constantly wash hands and disinfect surfaces. But a new lab study shows one pesky bacterium eats cleaners for breakfast: When disinfectant was applied to lab cultures of the bacteria, they adapted to survive not only the disinfectant but also a common antibiotic.

The research team focused on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium responsible for a range of infections in people with weakened immune systems. When the scientists added increasing amounts of disinfectant to P. aeruginosa cultures, the bacteria adapted to survive not only the disinfectant but also the antibiotic called ciprofloxacin.

Here's how: The bacteria were able to more efficiently pump out antimicrobial agents. The adapted bacteria also had a genetic mutation that allowed them to resist ciprofloxacin-type antibiotics specifically. In principle this means that residue from incorrectly dilluted disinfectants left on hospital surfaces could promote the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, research said. What is more worrying is that bacteria seem to be able to adapt to resist antibiotics without even being exposed to them.

Be aware, MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, has become a deadly and growing problem in hospitals in recent years. And news out this week suggests the country's first case of a highly drug-resistant form of tuberculosis.