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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ASTHMA control and preventive measure

Asthma is a disease that affects the breathing passages of the lungs ( bronchi and bronchioles). It is caused by the chronic inflammation and narrowing of these airways resulting in difficulty in inhaling or exhaling. Extreme asthma can cause your lungs to take in volumes of air that are not adequately exhaled: this can result in respiratory failure.

While asthma cannot be cured, with early diagnosis, proper medication and treatment, it can be controlled. The condition should not prevent patients from leading normal and full lives. The basic symptom of asthma includes' chest tightness, cough, air hunger, and shortness of breath. There is a cough variant asthma that does not manifest the usual symptoms other than a dry cough. The cough is usually dry because the airway is too narrow to expectorate any phlegm.

If a person feels that he might have asthma, he should see a pulmonologist or doctor right away for testing and diagnosis. They will evaluate you on any or all of the following:
1 family history- a common factor for asthma to occur within the family
2 medical history
3 symptoms, how frequently these occur and improvement with medication
4 allergies
5 individual triggers that seem to set off asthma symptoms, which include dust mites, pollution
6 lung function

There are two different types of medication involved in asthma; controller and relievers

Relievers - act by opening your airways and allowing more air to pass through. They however
do not directly address the underlying problem of airway inflammation. Relievers are very good at alleviating symptoms immediately but are only a short-term solution to breathing problems.

Controllers - the more effective medicines for the long run, These medications target the main problem by addressing the inflammation and treating it instead of providing a quick fix. Controllers should be taken regularly at prescribed dosages.

BE aware, life as an asthmatic does not have to be difficult. It is important to know that asthma is not contagious or infectious. Also asthma course and manifestations can easily be controlled so that people who happen to have asthma can lead normal and regular unhampered lives not bound by any restrictions.

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