My Headlines

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Studies have shown that signs of heart disease begin developing in childhood. It is a well-established fact that high blood cholesterol levels play a role in the development of coronary heart disease in adults. Because studies have also shown that signs of atherosclerosis begins in childhood, lowering levels of elevated blood cholesterol in children and adolescents is beneficial.

Although smoking is still the leading preventable cause of cardiovascular disease, obesity is quickly gaining on it. Cardiovascular disease is mostly preventable, so understanding these serious health threats can make a lifesaving difference. It is so important to reduce risk factors, particularly those that we have control over. First stop: your fridge.

TAKE stock of what's inside. Once a month, pull everything out and separate the better-for-you foods from the rest. Choose more low-fat and fat-free dressing, condiments, sauces and tablespreads instead of full fat ones.

HIDE desserts. Stow away desserts and other indulgent foods in the crisper, so they're " out of sight, out of mind". Fruits and veggies should be kept on the refrigerator shelf where you can see and eat them.

SUBSTITUTE lower-fat foods for higher-fat ones. A simple substitution like soft margarine for butter over a week's time can save you an entire day's worth of saturated fat.

FREEZE foods in portion sizes to make healthy eating easier. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing card? The standard service size for pasta is one cup (or the size of a walkman) and half a cup for vegetables (about the size of a tennis ball).

FREEZE fruit for fun. Freeze fruits such as bananas, grapes and orange slices to make them more fun to eat for children. Next time they want a sweet snack, offer them frozen fruit rather than ice cream.

BE aware, eating a diet with the right amount of calories that is low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol is a balancing act. One way to assure a varied, healthy diet is to wisely choose foods everyday.

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