My Headlines

Friday, January 29, 2010

ESSENTIALS for heart health

1. Keep away from cigarettes
2. Keep a slender physique
3. Get some exercise
4. Eat a healthy diet
5. Keep your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure in check

Research shows that most 50 year-olds who do that can live another 40 years free of stroke and heart disease, two of the most common killers. Below is a quiz to help you gauge how close they are to the ideal. If you fall a bit short, it offers tip for improving. These 7 factors, if you can keep them ideal or control them - end up being the fountain of youth for your heart. You live longer, you live healthier longer, you have much better quality of life on older age, require less medication, less medical care. Specifically, those with ideal cardiovascular health can answer yes to the following questions:

- Never smoked or quit more than 1 year ago
- Body mass index less than 25
- Get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week
- Meet at least four of these dietary recommendations:
4 1/2 cups of fruit and vegetables daily
2 or more 3.5 ounce servings a week of fish
drink no more than 36 ounces of sugar sweetened beverages at work
3 or more 1 ounce serving of fiber-rich whole grains a day
less than 1,500 milligrams a day of salt
- Total cholesterol of less than 200
- Blood pressure below 120/80
- Fasting blood glucose less than 100

The doctors found in a recent survey that showed 39% of Americans thought they had ideal heart health, yet 54% of those had been told they had either heart disease risk factor or needed to make a lifestyle change to improve heart health.

Be aware, many people are surprised to find out how overweight they maybe. People are far too accepting of their waistline, researched found out.

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