My Headlines

Friday, January 29, 2010


Binay Maharjan said that - " a smile is a glow on our face. It is more powerful than a bulb of one thousand watts and the warmth it gives can serve us more than any electric heater. We are not fully dressed until we wear a smile on our face. A smile has the power of liberating one from loneliness.

In her own analogy about smile she said: "A flower is a symbol of gratitude. The blossoming is the indication of living life in its full light, realizing its totality. It is an offering, a proof of being thankful to God for the creation of such a tremendously beautiful world. A smile is the door that gratefulness. The world is hungry for our facial expression. It is good to satisfy that hunger.

If to smile is difficult for you to do, here are some tips to consider:

Get comfortable with smiling - It is true that a smile does show a little vulnerability, but that's part of what makes it as powerful. No matter what people almost always respond better to a smile.

Think happy thoughts - The easiest way to a great smile is to be happy. Remarkably, when you are feeling down, smiling can help cheer you up even if you have to coax a smile at first.

Smile with your eyes - When we think of smiling, we think of the mouth, but the eyes may actually be more essential to a warm genuine smile. With practice, you'll be able to smile with your eyes at will.

Develop your smile - Keep smiles feel, so that you'll be able to replicate it. There is nothing like wearing a smile on your face. It can make your day as well as the day of others.

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