It was the renowned Chinese Herbalist and Professor Li Chang Yun who lived in the old age of 256 years as a user of this herb. That arose the western world as to its value. He was born in 1677 and in 1933, the New York Times announced the death of this remarkable man whose life span has reached over 2 1/2 centuries. The Chinese government officiall recorded his age at 200 years of age. Prof. Yun at the age of 1 century still gave courses of lectures, each lecture lasting 3 hrs. on the subject of human life longevity at the Chinese University. At the age of more than one (1) century those who saw him declared that he did not appear older than a man of 50 years old. After Li Chang Yun's death, the French government issued an unknown vitamin, which they called - "the youth vitamin" because it was found to have a beneficial effect on brain and endocrine glands.
Be aware, French biochemist Juleshe Pierre took extensive research on the plant and found out that it has rere tonic and medicinal properties with energizing effect on the nerves and brain cells to keep them functioning well.
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