My Headlines

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


4. Sunlight and adequate sleep (in the dark). Basking in the morning sunshine, avoiding exposure to artificial light at night while asleep could help facilitate the daily production of the natural hormone melatonin. Melatonin- not to be confused with the vitamin supplement- is a natural hormone found in the body, and found in high levels in certain foods such as oats, rice, corn, ginger, tomatoes, bananas and barley. It helps keep insomnia at bay, appears to also slow the aging process, with particular probable effects such as being an antioxidant and an immune enhancer. It could also help in coping with stress and may increase the ability to experience pleasure, maintain a positive outlook and mood. Optimal production of melatonin only occurs at night, however, and is dependent on a dark environment.

5. Fasting is not only in accordance to holiness, but in age-defying healthiness.

6. Stress accelerates your age. Stress is good, but too much of it can lead to a host of ultimate life enders, like heart attacks, cancer and accidents.

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