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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

FAITH - a powerful medicine

Faith means having strong belief system, whether you're religious or not. Spirituality can be practicing yoga or meditation, or just contemplating nature. An optimistic outlook and the ability to handle stress are qualities needed to prevent depression and fight back when serious illness strikes.

Modern medicine can treat - and often conquer disease. But we have yet to understand why some people overcome serious illness against all odds. Experts found out that between 50% and 90% of all diseases can be affected by patient belief. And 90% of people report that their strongest belief is in God.

Experts said that people who practice a faith, have less heart disease, lower blood pressure, fewer strokes, lower depression, faster recovery from illness and many even live longer. Spirituality or regular attendance at a church, synagogue or mosque helps people better cope with life stresses, provides crucial, social support, promotes a healthier lifestyle, lowers anxiety, and encourages optimism. On the other hand, lack of religious involvement (or feeling alienated) has negative effects on health.

People who attend religious services regularly but have poor health behaviors such as smoking or not exercising are more likely to improve their behaviors overtime than those who attend less. People who start out with good behaviors are more likely to maintain them if they are regular attendees. Clinically, the survival rate for women of faith with threatening illness is higher than that of their male counterparts, since women are more receptive than men.

Be aware, if you wish to pray, pray for understanding and acceptance, not specific outcomes. Just feeling connected is better than petitioning for guaranteed results. Think good thoughts. Optimism and cheerfulness can make a positive difference.

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