My Headlines

Sunday, February 21, 2010


" If you aren't naturally a happy person, just try acting like one" said Dr. Karina Davidson of Columbia University Medical Center. Davidson and colleagues used a five-point scale to measure people's happiness. They then statistically adjusted to account for things like age, gender, and smoking. For every point on the happiness scale, people were 22% less likely to have a heart problem. The study was paid by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and others.

Research said happy people are more likely to have a healthier lifestyle. It could also be there is an unknown genetic trait that predisposes people to be happy and have less heart disease. Happiness itself could result in a healthier heart compared to other emotions such as stress or depression.

Stress often releases hormones that can damage heart muscle. Stress can also cause blood vessels to open too wide, allowing plaque build-ups to break off and clog the arteries.

Be aware, the other benefit of trying to be happy is to have a better mental health.

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