My Headlines

Friday, June 24, 2011


Every day, every moment we have a choice, a choice to be fully who we are, who we dream to be, or what we truly want of ourselves. We are responsible for our own life. Here are some steps to live life with no regrets:

Amend yourself.
Everyone makes terrible choices and past mistakes. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. Continuously berating yourself for past actions is self-defeating. You can only try to repair and learn from them.

Start with your relationships.
All the people in your life have something to teach you. You can learn something from your spouse, children, relatives and friends, if you just listen and not be too self-centered.

Make sure the people in your life know how much you care and lover them.

Change any habits that hurt your body.
Consuming too much sugar and fats in food, drinking too much alcohol, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, and smoking will slowly kill you.

Stop if you have been abusive, dishonest, neglectful or cruel to any person.
It takes a strong person to say, " I am sorry, forgive me."

Focus more on relationships and less on material things.

Be aware, it is never too late to start fixing your life and to learn from your errors.

Friday, June 17, 2011

TRIALS in life

Theologian Keith Smith said: "To triumph over life's problems, we must hang in there and never give up. If we want to triumph over life's problems, we must maintain a positive attitude and entrust our problems in God's hands.

God uses problems to develop character in our lives. Just like a diamond cutter uses a chisel and hammer to chip away at the rough edges of a diamond. God chisels away on the rough edges of our life. We should never give up when life throws us a strong ball. The following are suggestions we must consider:

- As long as you are alive, anything is possible.
The only valid excuse you have to give up is when you are dead.

- Prove yourself.
You can and will achieve what you set out to do. The only time you fail is when you give up.

- Believe in your dream.
Don't listen to pessimists. Listen to your heart and to what God is telling you.

- There are people who are in the worst situation than you are.
Look at those people who are unable to walk and those who have no food to eat.

- Improve our world.
When you achieve whatever you set out to achieve, you can use your success to make a difference in this world and in other peoples lives.

- Inspire others
Be an inspiration to others by refusing to give up. Remember, while the sun is still shinging, there's always hope behind it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Late stage cancer : Still Treatable

Recurrent or metastatic cancer has always been extremely refractory. Now there's a technology to cure medium and advanced stage cancer patients giving them a new hope that is - Radio-Particle Knife technology.

The role of a particle "knife" is to kill tumor cells with radioactive Iodine 125 seeds seated in a titanium shell; having the same thickness of a pencil lead, and measuring less than half a centimeter long, commonly referred to as "particles". The doctor will then follow a treatment plan, using a special apparatus to "shoot" the "particles" into the tumor.

A certain Mr. Lee from Vietnam recently went to our hospital for examination. They found that his chest had a huge black shadow. It was later determined as a malignant thymoma. It was also discovered that the aorta and the tumor was wrapped around the artery lumen, thus the tumor was difficult to remove completely by surgery.

According to experts of Guangzhou Modern Cancer Hospital, this hidden chest tumor is usually growing slowly in the human body. Theres basically no specific sign of tumor growth in the lungs, except for some abnormalities in breathing.

Examination revealed a tumor the size of a small watermelon. Experts said that because both radiotherapy and surgery can not control the tumor growth, they will now implant 110 particles of Iodine 125 into the tumor, this will be able to kill cancer cells; consequently, the volume of the tumor gradually decreased.

According to experts, a recurrence of tumor even after doing surgery or radiotherapy cannot be solved by another operation. Radioactive particles can grow to puncture the tumor, so that particles close to the tumor cells directly and have sustained release of radiation at close range; achieving fixed-point "blasting" to kill tumors. At present, this treatment has been used in order to achieve complete regression of tumor lesions, while not constituting any hazard to normal tissue cells. It has been used to treat hundreds to thousands pf patients who had relapse or metastasis.

FREE medical consultation. E-mail: Web:/

Sunday, June 12, 2011


As we journey through life, we learned lessons along the way and we have to keep them in mind so that we can live harmoniously and be at peace with ourselves.

-No matter how rough is the sailing in life, no matter how difficult the problems that confront us, there's nothing like entrusting these problems in the hands of God through prayers.

-Life has its own "karma". What you sow is what you reap. Whatever good things that you do it will always come back to you, Or, if you do hurtful things, it will also boomerang to you.

-It is not wise to expect something in return for the goodness or help that we extend to our loved ones or to others. What is important is that you have done a good deed.

-Any negative emotions like anger, hatred, bitterness and others are not good for the soul. Harboring them in your heart makes your life miserable and those around you. We should be the master of our emotions and not allow these demons to control us.

-Life is the greatest gift of God. Thank God that you are still alive.

-Gratitude is the greatest thing that you can do for yourself. Count your blessings and be grateful for them.

Be aware, according to the law of attraction, the path to eradicating disease is not to fight it. If you decide you are going to fight a disease, your focus is on fighting the disease and we attract what we are focusing on allow. Allow the doctors you have chosen to do their work, and keep your mind focused on well-being. Think thoughts of well-being. Speak words of well-being and imagine yourself completely well.

- Never try to compel others to change. Leave them free to change naturally and orderly because they want to.