My Headlines

Friday, June 17, 2011

TRIALS in life

Theologian Keith Smith said: "To triumph over life's problems, we must hang in there and never give up. If we want to triumph over life's problems, we must maintain a positive attitude and entrust our problems in God's hands.

God uses problems to develop character in our lives. Just like a diamond cutter uses a chisel and hammer to chip away at the rough edges of a diamond. God chisels away on the rough edges of our life. We should never give up when life throws us a strong ball. The following are suggestions we must consider:

- As long as you are alive, anything is possible.
The only valid excuse you have to give up is when you are dead.

- Prove yourself.
You can and will achieve what you set out to do. The only time you fail is when you give up.

- Believe in your dream.
Don't listen to pessimists. Listen to your heart and to what God is telling you.

- There are people who are in the worst situation than you are.
Look at those people who are unable to walk and those who have no food to eat.

- Improve our world.
When you achieve whatever you set out to achieve, you can use your success to make a difference in this world and in other peoples lives.

- Inspire others
Be an inspiration to others by refusing to give up. Remember, while the sun is still shinging, there's always hope behind it.

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