My Headlines

Sunday, June 12, 2011


As we journey through life, we learned lessons along the way and we have to keep them in mind so that we can live harmoniously and be at peace with ourselves.

-No matter how rough is the sailing in life, no matter how difficult the problems that confront us, there's nothing like entrusting these problems in the hands of God through prayers.

-Life has its own "karma". What you sow is what you reap. Whatever good things that you do it will always come back to you, Or, if you do hurtful things, it will also boomerang to you.

-It is not wise to expect something in return for the goodness or help that we extend to our loved ones or to others. What is important is that you have done a good deed.

-Any negative emotions like anger, hatred, bitterness and others are not good for the soul. Harboring them in your heart makes your life miserable and those around you. We should be the master of our emotions and not allow these demons to control us.

-Life is the greatest gift of God. Thank God that you are still alive.

-Gratitude is the greatest thing that you can do for yourself. Count your blessings and be grateful for them.

Be aware, according to the law of attraction, the path to eradicating disease is not to fight it. If you decide you are going to fight a disease, your focus is on fighting the disease and we attract what we are focusing on allow. Allow the doctors you have chosen to do their work, and keep your mind focused on well-being. Think thoughts of well-being. Speak words of well-being and imagine yourself completely well.

- Never try to compel others to change. Leave them free to change naturally and orderly because they want to.

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