My Headlines

Thursday, October 30, 2008

a CHANGE from within

Nelson Mandela- a nobel Peace winner.An extra ordinary man who was able to change from within and in doing so change the society that he lived in. He was imprisoned for fighting for what he believed in and became the most significant black leader in south sfrica. Here are some lessons that he shared on how he accomplished it.


Is not the absense of fear- It is inspiring others to move beyond it. It is alright to be afraid-just do not show it. To inspire your followers that they can do it.

Lead from the front.

But do not leave your base behind. To achieve great things, it takes a village. You can not achieve great things alone, you need to marshal and bring your supporters. Bringing and showing that you had the critical numbers to suceed is important.
Lead from the back.

Green Tea for Life

It contains an antioxidant so potent that it's efficacy exceeds that of vit. C and E. This helps shield the body cell'sfrom cancer related harm. Your body's cholesterol level maybe reduced also, and it also help prevent heart disease.Research had indicated that green tea can aid in reducing levels of bad cholesterol at the same time increase levels of good cholesterol.
Your body's metabolism maybe naturally enhanced which helps in getting rid of as much as 70 calories within 24 hours. Because of this, your body may also get rid of unwanted fat content.
Relevant findings has it that green tea also aids in alleviating anxiety and stress through a type of animo acid called L-theanine.
Be aware that green tea improves your body's resistance to certain illness such as the common cold and flu. The body's immune system can be enhanced by green tea,s Vitamin C and natural substances obtained from vegetation called catechins.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happiness and Love II

Laugter is excellent exercise for your facial muscles. It tones up the muscles of the face and improves facial expressions. Laughing people look more cheerful and attractive.
Be aware: laughter and an active sense of humor may even help protect against a heart attack. It is found that people with heart disease were 40% less likely to laugh in a variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease .
Laughter also helps you get some emotional distance from distressing situation and see the humor in it. People will feel safe and comfortable around you if they know you can laugh-but not if you laugh at them.
So the next time you are looking for an easy way to relieve stress in yur life , try a dose of laughter. You can get it without prescription.

"the way to be happy is to make others happy"

Happiness is infectious. If you want to be happy, be with happy people.
Happiness can actually be learned. Many self- improvement books , well-being gurus are successful teaching formulas and techniques for achieving happiness.
The way to break away from happiness is to first define what makes you happy. Then do the things you love doing in your life .
The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved in spite of ourselves-Victor Hugo.
The essentials to happiness are something to love, something to do , and something to hope for.William Blake.
All th negative emotions like anxiety, depression or anger weaken the immune system of the body. Laughter helpsto increase the count of natural killer cells and antibody levels. Laughter also alleviates pain. It increases the bodys level of endorphins (natural pain killers) Endorphins released as a result of laughter may help in reducing the intensity of pain in those suffering from arthritis, muscular spasm and migraine headaches.

"Happiness is our personal responsibility"

Because happiness is a personal thing, people have different definitions of happiness.What can make one person happy may not appeal to another. A glass of water could bring happiness to someone really thirsty , but will not elicit the same value when he is no longer parched.
Truth 1. Comparison is the cause of unhapiness. IN the poem Desiderata it says: Never compare yourself with others for always there will be lesser and greater person than yourself.
Truth 2. Be happy now . Do not view happiness in the future by making conditions. Like saying " I will be happy when i am already a billionaire ."
Truth 3. Happiness is not a condition but an attitude . Happiness depends on how we react to what happens to us . Happiness or misery depends on our disposition s and not on our circumstances.
Truth 4. A shift of focus can boost your happiness factor . St. francis oncee complained that he had no shoes until he saw someone without feet.
Truth 5. BE AWARE that gloominess and pessimism can be "inherited" by a child from his parents: the same is truewith happiness and optimism.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Meditation creates a chain reaction of sorts. Your positive attitude towards yourself will lead you to have a positive attitude towards others and the world. he foundation of building positive relationships is knowing the value of others and sustaining that value. When we lack self respect, we tend to put other people down.
Like any form of art it takes practice. It isn't as easy as it sounds. The secret is not allowing things to affect you like it usually does.
Meditation educates you on why you are so influenced by things around you and how you can be less influenced. Most people try to change the things happening around them but it isn't possible. Be aware that you can't change people, you can't change the situation t oa certain extent . What you can do is reprogram your reactions to other people and to your situation. And that is what meditation teaches us -not to react so violently internally towards others and even myself and just learn the art of peaceful thinking.
Dealing with difficult people is another thing that can block your path to peace-it is a matter of choice.

"let ther be peace on earth and let it bagin with me"

Meditation is the simple tool that anyone can use to create peace of mind. Our personal powerful contribution to global well-being. Our personal powerful contribution to global well-being. It is only when we change, that the world changes. People generally have 3 responsibilities in life:
1.To the family
2. to the work
3. to oneself
Meditation is an expression of love to oneself. It is taking time to see what quality of thoughts you are having in your mind and realizing that the thoughts tend to completely create the quality of your life. Normally, deep down people find it difficult to respect themselves. Meditation improves the quality of my relationship with myself. The love of self is an important thing to develop especially in a world full of people who are constantly being too hard on themselves. The internal dialogue is so violent sometimes against oneself. Violence starts in the way we treat ourselves. If I create myself that way , I will often use that behavior on others.

Centering on prayer an meditation III

Achieving a passive attittude is the most important and the most difficult. This means a " letting go" feeling. YOu have to achieve a passive attitude to remain calm and quite when the phone rings or when somebody calls you .If you jump t oanswer , you are not passive.
It isn't necessary to assume a difficult lotus position or yoga posture to meditate properly. The important thing is that a person is comfortable.For instance, one should sit quietly with two feet on the floor , hands on his laplap, spinal column straight but not stiff and eyes closed. It's alright to meditate lying down if one can maintain wakefulness and not fall asleep.
Physiological effects. Meditation superior to sleep in controlling tension or stress. Meditation brought about effects beneficial to health that could not be achieved by drugs with harmful side effects.
The practice maybe called centering, contemplation, relaxation response or meditation. Be aware that they are all the same.

Centering on Prayer and Meditation II

Dr. Herbert Benson - a cardiologist, Harvard Medical School graduate, and one of the pioneers in the scientific study of what happened during meditation and it's physiological effects. There are 4 essential factors to bring about the relaxation response or meditative state namely:

1. a quiet environment
2. a mental device
3. a passive attitude
4. a comfortable position

A quite environment is needed at the beginning of the practice of meditation in order to remove distractions.Later when you are an experienced mediator already, a noisy environment will not matter anymore.

A mental device is any sound or object a person focuses on so that his mind will not wander about with eyes closed, he can concentrate on the word "one" or any other neutral word. If eyes are open, he can focus on a black spot over a white background or on the tip of his nose. Any tool to maintain mental focus.

"a rose by any other name will still be a rose"...William Shakespeare

Fr. Thomas Keating said: " centering on prayer consist of choosing a sacred word, like God, Father , Abba and sitting comfortably, focusing the mind on the word, taking care to banish extraneous ideas or disturbances. In this way, a new world appears within and around us and the impossible becomes an everyday experience. The same essence with meditation.
Meditation stills the mind and brings it a level of awareness not possible under our ordinary waking state. In scientific terms, meditation or contemplation slows down the brain waves from the usual Beta frequency of around 14 to 21 cycles per second to around 7 to 14 cps. At this lower rate, of alpha ( or even slower than theta) , the brain waves of the left and right neocortex are synchronized. This synchronization brings a new level of awareness to the person meditating.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

MY sheep hears my voice II

Focused listening makes us hear more. For instance, paying close attention to the sound of nature makes us become aware of the other worlds around us. We might even hear the echo of the supernatural. How we listen has a direct correlation with what and how much we hear.

My sheep hear my voice

85% of our waking hours today are spent in verbal communication, which is as much listening as speaking.
Yet most of us don't know how to listen.The average person is a "half -listener" hearing only half and retaining just a little of what he hears right after he hears it.
Real listening requires more than just simply letting sound leave into one ear.Just as reading requires more than just simplylooking at a printed page. Good listening demands active participation, and active participation begins with a focused attention.

judge not that you will not be judged

while self- awareness is important to live a full life, the problem is that we put others in a box.We analyze them , till we think we've got them all figured out and then we label them whatever we think of them-positive or negative.

We label others all the time and in so doing we deny them the right to change. We stop them giving the chance to become better and wiser.We lock them up in words that we have used to anlyze them and diagnose their reactions as a doctor do. Everyone deserves better.

Sometimes, we just have to remind ourselves that no one was born finished and perfect. Life is a journey and we are subject to imperfection every now and then.All of us are work in progress. We are still in the process of beingthe best version of our selves. And it would be a more fitting labelwe give to ourselves is- human being, on process to perfection....

Women are wise but men are wiser

Machiavellian motto: "it's better to be feared than loved".and many a great man down through the centuries have applied this by enthroning a woman and endowing her with powers to rule alongside him as a buffer for the people's discontent and resentment. Think of the late strongman President Marcos of the philippines on the former argentinian military jinta leader- juan peron- same principle.

What then are these flattering popular sayings descriptive of the prized position of women in their partner's lives like " wind beneath my wings", "the power behind the throne"?Notice that in every clause , the allusion to the woman is never on equal footing with man.

How about an agreement that said between husband and wife, wherein the husband take care of all minor decisions that concern the family and she gets to decide on all the major ones. But so far, no major ones have come up with. Another way of saying-"just to buy peace".

Unless you believe, you cannot see the glory of God

In the news, a man diagnosed with cancer and given 6 months to live got healed by _ meditation and proper nutrition. His son, a medical practitioner advised him to undergo chemo theraphy but he refused. Why? Because he is fully aware that God is in control of his disease. He maintained his cheerful disposition and became passionate about his life. Many 6 months have passed but this man is still alive and kicking considering that he is now a octogenarian. Why not? If ressurection is possible how much more is healing.

To everything there is a season, a purpose under heaven

A man was praying to God for a flower and a butterfly. The following day, he was so disappointed when what he got was a cactus plant and a caterpillar. Days passed a flower came out from the cactus and the butterfly from the caterpillar. When our faith is still in the infant stage, we are like the man in the story. We seem t oforget the way how God operates- in His time, for He knows what is best for us.

The barometer of a mans spirituality can be measured by the tenor of his prayer. The spiritually immature person's prayer is supplication/ petition.While, the spiritualy mature persons prayer is thanksgiving. Why? Because he is aware that through experience that before he prayed for something ,God already answered his prayer- not in our limited way but in his abundance- in His time.

Money II

On the other hand, there are people who live through life with aplomb and lightness yet they are not rich materially and disinterested in accumulating money in large amount. The yare not affected whatever happens to their fortune for they are fully aware that the universe will provide their need. In effect, they have cheerful disposition and passionate about life.

A mans life does not consist in the abundance of his possession

Can money buy everything?

M. scott Pect said: The decline in our fortunes often signals the start of our spiritual journey. But the good thing is , the loss of money often leads to awakening to things that money can not buy. When we are talking from the depths of our empty pockets we seem more real.There are no pretenses because there is nothing to hide. It is a sudden shift from being carnal t ospiritual- depending on your level of acceptance to your predicament. If you find it hard to accept, you will naturally struggle and on the proccess get hurt., devastated and beaten. The sooner you accept the situation , the better you become. After all everything in this world is temporary considering that the only permanent thing in this world is -change.

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure

A japanese doctor have discovered the necessity of drinking at least 2 liters of water daily t oprevent all kinds of diseases known to man-from common colds to morbid cancer. Why? How? The first and foremost work of water in our body is to detoxify thus allowing perfect blood circulation and making healthy toxic free cells.

Q: How is our body related to our water intake?

A: 60% of our body weight is water coordinating with our 100 trillion cells in the body with the following portion:

8%in the blood

25% in the spaces between the cells

67% inside the cells

Considering the above data let us all be aware of the fact that -water really means LIFE.

For starters: Drink 12 glasses water a day/ 1 glass every hour, a glass before every meal & a glass 1 hour after every meal.

Later: 1 liter before breakfast/1 liter in the afternoon

4 to 6 cups of cofee a day will keep alzhiemers away

Are you aware that coffee is a good source of substances that help protect your cells against the onslaught of free radicals?

Free radicals are made up of " oxidants" which initiate oxidatine stress said to be the leading cause of degenerative diseases.

Coffee contains several compoundswith strong antioxidant properties such caffeic acid that help hinder free radicals from inflicting damage may eventually lead to the development of premature aging. So be aware. Next time you drink coffee, dont just savor the taste and aroma. Feel good in the thought that it is actually good for you.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Victorious P E A R L

Victorious PEARL

We are all aware that each pearl is formed by accident as an oysters internal response to a wound caused by an irritant such as a grain of sand. Resources of repair rushes to the injured area. The final result is a lustrous - pearl. Something beautiful is created that could have been impossible without the wound.
Like the oysters story, our life can also be like a pearl. We become successful by necessity. Hard times strengthened our goals in life making us better persons. It is how we react to a crisis that matters.
When Paul was struck blind and fell from his horse, he must have felt much pain and humiliation. But the situation did not stop him from moving on and he became Christ strong defender. All kind of pains and trials can be turned into learning experiences wherein we grow stronger as we survive crisis. How we come out of the crisis will depend entirely on our response to the situation.

"do you know the way to real happiness"

HAPPINESS is . . .

many things to different people depending on the things they want to achieve.
For someone who lacks money, its wealth. For someone who is sick, its good health. For someone who lacks a special someone, its love. For someone who lacks achievement, its success.
a state of freedom: freedom from secret angers and anxities that we tell no one about and sometimes even do not admit to ourselves. Happiness is actually liberty from everything that makes us unhappy.
On the other hand, are you aware of the "real" happiness considering that - happiness is our personal responsibility? Why? because real happiness is knowing who you are. Gen 1:26 says
You and I are created in the image and likeness of God, to have dominion over this world and everything in it.
So next time when you feel sad, all you have to do is re-member who you are, where you come from - back to eden, in the spirit.

Honey for Sinusitis

Scientist have recently discovered that natural germ fighters in honey attack bacteriathat cause discomforting disorder in sinusitis. Honey has been used in traditional medicine as a natural anti-bacterial dressing for infected wounds hundred of years already. They found that certain honeys, namely Manuka honey from New Zealand and Sidr honey from Yemen have powerful killing actions on bacterial bio-films thatis far superior to the most powerful anti-microbials used in medicine today.

Dr. Ian Paul noted that bacteria do not grow very well in honey.Honey works well in smothering bacterias that grow in wounds. So it's not suprising why honey is good for sinusitis as well.

in addition, honey is also good for treating hang overs due to alcohol.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Knowing the food we eat ( 4 of 4)

Has high level of allicin, a substance which opens up small arteries and improve blood flow to various organs.
Goji berries
Good treatment for arthritis, "sexual tonic" increase testosterone libido, youthfulness and stamina
Pumpkin seeds
Has zinc important in testosterone production. Source of omega 3 fatty acids that is good for our cardiovascular health.
Dark chocolates
Great antioxidant and contain phenylalanine, an amino acid that increases endorphins in the body, a potent antidepressant, a hormone that provides a great sense of "high" and overall wellbeing naturally and safely.

Knowing the food we eat ( 3 of 4)

Processed Foods
Linked to frigidity in women and diminished sexual stamina in men.

Causes cancer of the lungs, emphsema, also constrict the arteries which reduces blood flow to our organs and diminished libido.

Alcohol (more than a shot or two)
Increases the desire but deminishes the performance

Bee pollen
Help fertilize and suppose to boost the sperm count

Stimulator of the production of androsterone, an odorless "aphrodisiac" found in male perspiration

Has high level of endorphins, the feel good hormone

Knowing the food we eat ( 2 of 4)

Processed Meat - sausages, hot dog, luncheon meat, etc.
-causes 70% of pancreatic cancer development and 21% of colorectal cancer for every 50 grms
processed meat ingested daily.
As a rule, people eating red meat regularly have a higher risk for developing cancer of the colon, breast, and other cancers in general compared to those who minimize eating red meat.
causes a quick rise in cholesterol level, a condition that increases the risk for the development of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.
Fried and rich foods, red meats and other high cholesterol and fatty foods increase the risk for developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Children are better off staying away from hamburger stores and other fast foods.

egg,coffee,softdrinks, filtered water

The food we eat daily affects our health and longetivity. Our lifestyle and future significantly depend on our choices today. We are what we eat and how we behave. Afterall, health is a matter of wisdom and choice.

EGG. when taken daily increase 25% rate of death in a 20 year period and for diabetics can increase 50% rate of death in a 20 year period. 1 egg yolk contains 215 mg cholesterol that can cause heart attack and stroke.

COFFEE. 4 to 6 cups daily reduce the risk for the development of type II diabetes and alzheimers disease.

SOFTDRINK - cola or uncola. Implicated in the causation of metabolic syndrome characterized by high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, heart disease and stroke.

FILTERED WATER- 12 glasses a day. Help hydrate the body and flush out toxins from our system