My Headlines

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"do you know the way to real happiness"

HAPPINESS is . . .

many things to different people depending on the things they want to achieve.
For someone who lacks money, its wealth. For someone who is sick, its good health. For someone who lacks a special someone, its love. For someone who lacks achievement, its success.
a state of freedom: freedom from secret angers and anxities that we tell no one about and sometimes even do not admit to ourselves. Happiness is actually liberty from everything that makes us unhappy.
On the other hand, are you aware of the "real" happiness considering that - happiness is our personal responsibility? Why? because real happiness is knowing who you are. Gen 1:26 says
You and I are created in the image and likeness of God, to have dominion over this world and everything in it.
So next time when you feel sad, all you have to do is re-member who you are, where you come from - back to eden, in the spirit.

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