Variety of styles:
Iyengar - focuses on precise body alignments
Bikram - forced sweats uses heat from outside the body to flush out toxins as yoga asanas (or poses) Ashtanga Vinyasa - more intense sequence of poses have been put together for optimum total body work with breath and core strengths aligned together.
Asana practice is just ONE part of yoga. Patanjali is the father of yoga in India on the 5th century.. He explained the relationship between the natural world and the innermost soul - a guide on how to align the body to the soul, and to take control of the emotions and the mind so we can experience consciousness. It includes 8 major
-inner observance / ethical discipline
-asanas / physical body work - postures
-breath work - which teaches the control and manipulation of the breath in a variety of ways.
-withdrawal of the attachment to the bodily senses and the world
- the state of enlightenement is reached which is the GOAL
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