Scientists have discovered a huge-gravity sucking hole at the heart of our galaxy - among the most enigmatic and powerful forces in the universe. By tracking the orbit of 28 stars inside our own Milky Way for more than 16 years, scientists in Germany were able to trace the most detailed portrait ever obtained of these invisible monsters.
Bleck holes are believed to be concentrated fields of gravity so powerful that nothing - not even light can escape their grasps. The only way to perceive them is by observing their impact on neigboring celestial bodies.
Be aware, researchers were able to calculate with far greater precision Earth's distance from the center of the Galaxy 27,000 light years. A light year is the distance light travels in a year, about 10 trillion kilometers or
(6 million miles).
Thw interstellar dust that fills the Galaxy blocks our direct view of the Milky Way's central region in visible light, so astronomers used infrared wavelengths to penetrate the dust.
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