Deepak Chopra said; "the secret of youth is within you". Wellness is about the body, mind and spirit. Wellness is about what you feel your mind and spirit that do away with stress, wrinkles and anything that would speed up the aging process.
Rev. Clarence Larkin said; "the body is the carnal nature of man or those facilities that touch the material world through the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. The gates of the soul or the mind are :
imagination, conscience, memory, reason and affections. The spirit recieves the impression of the mind. Hence the spiritual faculties of the spirit are faith, hope, reverence, prayer and worship.
BE aware, that the 3 -body mind and spirit must be together and in harmony to achieve wellness. All 3 must be together and in harmony to stay young.
In feeding the body, one must do away with sugar and fatty food especially pork meat. In feeding the mind, one must do away with worldly music, movies, internet that would induce unnecessary stress. Listening to rock music, rated pornography can cause wrinkle permanently and speed up aging.