Dr. Tom WU said:" the original diet that God intended for humans is plant-based." He followed a diet of fruits and vegetables and survived with terminal lung cancer. His cure-all-formula is simple. Right eating and the way we eat them. This can be done by: first forgeting the way you eat before. Here are some of his new ways:
1 Eat fiber first before eating anything else and by fiber he means FRUITS.
2 Eat sour first then sweet.
3 Then raw vegetables before cooked vegetables.
4 Proportion is 2/3 raw vegetables with 1/3 fruit
5 Half-cooked vegetables would make do, should your stomach be unable to process
raw vegetables.
Be aware, man is designed by God to eat herbs and made our teeth flat for chewing. While some animals like dogs, cats, lion, tiger etc. . . are designed to be carnivorous by just looking at their sharp teeth.
PINEAPPLE. when eaten with the core, is a good source of fiber and vit C, as such is better than mango and watermelon. The core of the pineapple has natural stem cells, which is good for rejuvenation and healing of damaged tissues. Pineapple have enzymes which eat away the polyps that usually would coat the intestines. These enzymes are helpful in cleaning the colon.
For skin diseases, simply grind the whole fruit (washed and cleansed well with the sharp parts removed) with the peel and then apply it to the infected area for 30-45 minutes. Useful for patients with psoriasis.
BANANAS. useful for people with hypertension for its potassium content. Kiwi and apple are also good source of potassium.
BROCCOLI. good for men as this reduces the chances for prostate cancer. good for ladies as this vegetable help prevent breast cancer. It should be eaten raw or slightly blanched. Once a patient with 2nd stage breast cancer was prescribed to eat this vegetable and in 4 months, the tumor was gone with no trace of it whatsoever.
TOMATOES. Lycopene in ripe tomatoes contributes in strengthening the heart. If eaten 6times-a-day, tomatoes would also help prevent breast cancer and remove polyps from the uteros. Seeds must be eaten also as these contain a lot of nutrients.
MEAT. increases the chances of cancer and therefore a new food pyramid has to be observed:
5% meat
60% vegetables
10% fruits
10% grains (rice and wheat)
10% beans (soya and mongo)
5% nuts and seeds
Be aware, nuts should be eaten raw not roasted or toasted because heating the nuts would cause for it to release toxins that would encourage tumor-growth. Almonds are excellent if eaten raw - would help heal allergies and asthma.
A(H1N1) treatment: concoction of cilantro, ginger and garlic. 2 glasses of this mixture taken with food everyday would strengthen one's immune system . can be used as salad dressing.
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