Marcus Aurelius said: " a noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea which is higher than himself; and a mean man by one lower than himself". The first one produces aspiration while the other ambition which is the way in which a vulgar man aspires.
One should not be involved in the self and in any kind of pursuits that are self-interested, but should be more for the community as a whole. The highest standard therefore to measure the ethics and morality is justice.
In China's economic development, some companies have actually pursued their profits at the expense of morality.
Be aware, true success in this short yet exciting life God has gifted us with is not just about money, fame, power or creature comforts; it should be more about the passion for and pursuit of excellence and goodness. As one writer said; success us basically meaured in terms of what we did in our lifetime that has an impact on others and eternity.
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