"Making your dream a reality"
1. Whining and making excuses are dangerous to your health and will make you a loser. Excuses kill your motivations, determinations and character.
2. There is no such thing as failure. If a plan does not work, you have a new starting point. Do not quit, do not fight it: Fix it.
3. Life is not fair. Do not whine about it. Do something - make it better.
4. Dream BIG dreams. If you can dream it, you can do it. Would the Wright brothers have flown the first successful flight if they did not believe in their dream?
5. For some people money and power mean success, but genuine success is achieving your goals. Goals are only dreams put to work.
6. Work with a purpose. Whatever you are doing, put your "all" in the task will prepare for you for success.
7. Success does not just happen. Focusing on your goals keeps you on the track.
8. How you look at the difficulties in your life makes all the difference. If you see your problems as setbacks, you will spend too much time whining about your bad luck and not getting busy changing it.
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