Reducing fat intake not only reduces the incidence of prostate cancer but also slows
down and reverses the growth of that disease. Previous studies at Harvard Medical School also
showed that saturated fat, particularly from red meat is the culprit in the prevalence of
prostate cancer. In Far East countries like Japan, people have low incidences of prostate
cancer because they have low fat diet and soybean is a staple food. A theory supported by in
vitro and animal studies states that soybean contains high levels of isoflevanoids (phyto
estrogens) which provide specific protection against cancer.
It is beneficial to include fruits, vegetables, whole-grain and fiber-rich food,
poultry, lean meats, low fat dairy products and food prepared with little or no fat in the diet.
Be aware, this diet helps reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, constipation and
would increase the chance of a healthier, longer life.