are poisonous and harmful to the body so the body will attempt to get rid of them in the large intestine or COLON. A healthy body requires effective elimination of trash in the colon. However, recent findings show that with our current diet and lifestyle, the colon fails to do its job properly resulting in retention of fecal matter and eventually building up sedentary waste. Be aware : that our body can store up to 45lbs of waste in the colon.
Retained fecal waste decomposes releasing noxious toxins that are reabsorbed in the blood stream. The action of the bacteria also produces fermentation of this waste that results in the release of strong foul smelling flatus or gas . . . the cause of abdominal bloating or flatulence. The colon reacts to the decomposing waste by secreting mucus - an attempt to get rid of the rotting garbage inside. However, as mucus thickens, it becomes sticky and instead of taking them out, it traps fecal matter in. More garbage is trapped and more toxins are released into the system. This makes the colon a big contributor to the accumulating toxins in the body. This is how "auto-intoxication" or self-poisoning begins.
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