Awareness in our daily lives will help us experience the hidden Dimensions of our true identity!
My Headlines
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

(riboflavin, which helps the body to absorb iron and is therefore good for anemic) and vit B12. Seaweed is also a good plant source for protein, iodine and calcium.
This marine plant contains properties that can help moisturize skin and control serum production. Be aware, seaweed also aids in fighting the effects of pollution on the skin and possibly protect against UV light. Seaweed extracts are also known for their natural anti-aging and anti-cellulite properties. It can improve suppleness and the elasticity of the skin and stimulate the renewal of damaged skin cells.

are poisonous and harmful to the body so the body will attempt to get rid of them in the large intestine or COLON. A healthy body requires effective elimination of trash in the colon. However, recent findings show that with our current diet and lifestyle, the colon fails to do its job properly resulting in retention of fecal matter and eventually building up sedentary waste. Be aware : that our body can store up to 45lbs of waste in the colon.
Retained fecal waste decomposes releasing noxious toxins that are reabsorbed in the blood stream. The action of the bacteria also produces fermentation of this waste that results in the release of strong foul smelling flatus or gas . . . the cause of abdominal bloating or flatulence. The colon reacts to the decomposing waste by secreting mucus - an attempt to get rid of the rotting garbage inside. However, as mucus thickens, it becomes sticky and instead of taking them out, it traps fecal matter in. More garbage is trapped and more toxins are released into the system. This makes the colon a big contributor to the accumulating toxins in the body. This is how "auto-intoxication" or self-poisoning begins.
GOD of Principles
when we ask God for anything he will grant it on the condition - in my /His name. Name in greek means "onoma" which means: character, nature and authority.
Character- the character of God is LOVE-1 cor 13 love is patient, kind, is not rude . . .
Nature- the nature of God is meek like a sheep. my sheep hear my voice.john 10.14
Authority- when you possess the true character and nature of God, dominion is yours.
be aware, for the kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking but: 1 righteousness, 2 peace and 3 joy in the Holy Ghost.
If you are praying for something and until now God has not answered you, brethren remember our God is a God of principles. Try to check if your frequency is the same frequency with God. Remember in Genesis 1, the purpose of God in creating man is for him to have dominion on 1 condition - in His name. For what? To make you a good steward of this world he has given to us.
Monday, November 17, 2008
CANCER is a four letter word = ACID
all cancers of the body are caused by lifestyle, dietary or metabolic acids! there is no other cause but acid. cancer is an acidic liquid that spoils cells. when healthy cells are spoiled with acid the body wraps them in a fibrin net called a tumor to protect healthy cells and tissues form being spoiled. it is a beautiful natural process of how the body preserves itself from inappropriate lifestyle and dietary choices. the true cause of cancer is acidic lifestyle and dietary choice.
even the deadliest of acidic cancerous conditions can be reversed if they are caught early enough. if you have a family history of cancer, screening and early detection can make the difference between life and death. avoiding known lifestyle risk factors for acidic cancerous conditions such as smoking and sugar help you prevent the big "c"
be aware: the cure for cancer is found it its prevention NOT in its treatment.