My Headlines

Friday, January 30, 2009


Coinciding with the local stock market plunge, and a jump in the jobless rate in Taiwan, local animal rescuers say more dogs are being abandoned as owners look for ways to cut expenses. Large dogs tend to be thrown away during a slowing economy for the owner to save $152-$302 a month by abandoning them.

Be aware, the Director of Animal Health said those caught abandoning their pets are subject to a fine of $455.


Heraclitus said: "a person cannot step into the same river twice" and added, "nothing is permanent except change". Change is a fact in life, we would be more comfortable by learning how to accept it. From the time you were born, from a young boy to manhood, to becoming a father. . .

If you are just a few years from retirement, you do not have to be scared or devastated when it finally comes. It could be your last stage, but could usher you into a new lifestyle with new vistas and challenges.

Be aware, sometimes we are afraid of what we do not know - but come to think about it; This too shall p-a-s-s away.

Telling the TRUTH

Reasons for telling the truth:

1 Truth is right
2 Lies will come back to haunt you
3 Lies weigh you down
4 Lies prevent you from developing as a person
5 Truth enhances your reputation
6 Truth will make true friends with you
7 In truth you will feel better about yourself
8 Truth makes you a better person
9 One truth telling makes the next one easier
10 Your truth makes it easier for others to tell the truth
11 You will be different.Truth tellers are few and far between

Be aware, everyone falls short of always telling the truth. But if you try hard, and are gentle, kind and caring when telling the truth, you will gain friends, fame and riches in your personal life that you cannot imagine.

EXERCISE and Breast Cancer

Research conducted in Norway found that women who exercise at least 4 hours a week have
about 1/3 lower-than-usual risk of breast cancer. The effects of exercise seemed to be especially important for women before or shortly after menopause.

Be aware, exercise prevents obesity which is linked to breast cancer. It can also
delay the onset of puberty and reduce estrogen levels throughout adulthood, factor also thought
to lower risk.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


The sad truth is that unless people make lasting changes in their lifestyles and consistently choose healthful foods on a regular basis, their efforts are largely wasted. Constantly losing and gaining weight is frustrating and demoralizing and does more damage than good. Strategy for successful weight control is as follows:

ONE - INCREASE the quality and amount of food eaten while decreasing the number of calories.
TWO - INCREASE the rate at which calories are burned /increasing physical activity and muscle size. Begin by eating generous amounts of high fiber foods like whole grains, vegetables and fruits, potatoe, yams and beans. Omit as much fat and sugar from the diet as much as possible as well as refined and processed foods and snacks. These things are stuffed with calories and have negligible nutrients.

Be aware, use animal products such as meat, ice cream and cheese very sparingly. They have no fiber and are loaded with fat. This kind of eating plan, plus a brisk daily walk, a glass of water every hour will help you lose 1 to 2 pounds a week.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What A-R-I-S-E-S IV

Watching what arises often signifies that we have shifted our perception from "my story"
and "me" to a clearer realization that we are part of a much greater whole. It is about "we" together , in collaborative ways with passionate hearts that will slowly help the crisis in our world today.

Be aware, we are after all, our brother's ( and our planet's ) keeper.

What A-R-I-S-E-S III

But why should we choose to step back? Simple. If we dont, we will get caught up and engulfed in the world. When we try to have moment-to-moment awareness of body, emotions and thoughts, we bring that awareness to daily life. When we pay attention, we are more in touch with thoughts and feelings as they arise in the moment , which is half the battle of resolving them. In other words, when we are able to identify that something is wrong, we can address that particular issue in the moment, rather than ignoring it and unleashing it later in some painful

What A-R-I-S-E-S II

Be aware, our way of helping is by purging away the petty selfish, egoistic, separatist
side of us that always thinks of "me first or only me". By shifting to living our lives from the highest, most loving and positive part of us is one of the greatest things we can do at this point in time. We can try to awaken and bring forth our individual lights to help brighten our sadly darkened world.

We can watch what arises in a conscious manner so actions can also be conscious. Our pro-action of bringing in more light, understanding, love and compassion makes us co creators to the realities unfolding. We merge our individual light with the Greater light of the Divine that needs to be grounded in our world through us.

What A-R-I-S-E-S I

The new scientific findings state that everything in our world is made of energy, including our thoughts. When more energy or intensity is brought into certain thoughts, these thoughts attract the situations in our lives. There is a wise adage that says, "the faster the world goes, the more we should slow down and turn inward". The worst the outer situation plays out, the more our heightened awareness should be triggered - and we turn inward, to watch the going-ons of our mind. We do not stay in the mind by thinking and analyzing, rather we watch what arises from the mind. Then wisdom emerges when we move "out of the mind" and just watch it

Sunday, January 25, 2009


KUNG HEI FAT CHOI means "congratulations and be prosperous" this is how we greet people during Chinese New Year.

Unlike our usual cale endar ( known as Gregorian calendar ) the Chinese year on the lunar year, falls on different dates, depending on the moons cycle. The year is identified by the animal believed to be the guardian for that year, and this year is the Ox turn.

The legend has it that the Buddha (or the Jade Emperor) once called all the animals to celebrate the coming of the New Year with him. Only 12 animals arrived, and as a reward he named the year after the animals present in the order that they arrived.

Be aware, there are 12 animals, and they go around as a cycle : rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, chicken, dog, and pig.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hot spices such as pepper, paprica and chilies can help you lose weight according to a German research. Hot spices make the body sweat, thereby increasing the need for enetrgy experts said. People wanting to lose weight after summer holiday excesses should not rresort to crash diet.

Be aware, start the day with a fruit or vegetable juice andt eating plenty of fruit and vegetables plus drinking a glass of water every hour wihll greatly help.


"Making your dream a reality"

1. Whining and making excuses are dangerous to your health and will make you a loser. Excuses kill your motivations, determinations and character.

2. There is no such thing as failure. If a plan does not work, you have a new starting point. Do not quit, do not fight it: Fix it.

3. Life is not fair. Do not whine about it. Do something - make it better.

4. Dream BIG dreams. If you can dream it, you can do it. Would the Wright brothers have flown the first successful flight if they did not believe in their dream?

5. For some people money and power mean success, but genuine success is achieving your goals. Goals are only dreams put to work.

6. Work with a purpose. Whatever you are doing, put your "all" in the task will prepare for you for success.

7. Success does not just happen. Focusing on your goals keeps you on the track.

8. How you look at the difficulties in your life makes all the difference. If you see your problems as setbacks, you will spend too much time whining about your bad luck and not getting busy changing it.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Unhealthy LOUD NOISE

Noise is one of lifes great stressors. When you are exposed to loud noise, your blood vessels constrict and less blood flows to the organs. People are not aware that noise is affecting them but their health deteriorates. People living in noisy streets suffer more high blood pressure than those in quiter areas. Noise can cause people to get angry more easily and provoke depression and organic diseases particularly when under stressful situations. It is reported that mothers who lived near airports bore more premature and under weight babies.

Researchers hoted that noise from traffic, night clubs, building firms, lively restaurants, discos and even background music - is enough to make some peoples muscles tense, their pupils dilate, their heartbeat increase, their arteries constrict and their blood cholesterol and adrenalin levels arise.

Be aware, the only therapy for noise is MEDITATION.


Reducing fat intake not only reduces the incidence of prostate cancer but also slows
down and reverses the growth of that disease. Previous studies at Harvard Medical School also
showed that saturated fat, particularly from red meat is the culprit in the prevalence of
prostate cancer. In Far East countries like Japan, people have low incidences of prostate
cancer because they have low fat diet and soybean is a staple food. A theory supported by in
vitro and animal studies states that soybean contains high levels of isoflevanoids (phyto
estrogens) which provide specific protection against cancer.

It is beneficial to include fruits, vegetables, whole-grain and fiber-rich food,
poultry, lean meats, low fat dairy products and food prepared with little or no fat in the diet.

Be aware, this diet helps reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, constipation and
would increase the chance of a healthier, longer life.

NICOTINE: Role in Altering Mood

A molecular mechanism in the brain that explains how nicotine alters moods and heightens alertness has been found. Neurobiologist said this mechanism is triggered by nicotine in levels normally found in smokers. Nicotine causes the brain's nerve cells to send out a larger-than-normal amount of a substance called glutamate. Glutamate is the key central nervous system excitory transmitter which means it excites the cells.

Be aware, large amount of glutamate explains why nicotine can heighten alertness and improve short term memory.


A very important part of daily diet. It supplies the body with tissue-building materials known as amino acids. This function can only be done by protein itself. We need a daily supply of protein in our body proportionate to our body weight in order to maintain overall health and well-being. Too much protein however may eventually lead to heart disease. Many animal foods consider to be major sources of protein are actually high in purines and saturated fats which cause elevated levels of blood uric acid and cholessterol.

Keep in mind that animal foods such as red meat, poultry, fish and dairy products, legumes including beans, dried peas, peanuts, grains and other veggie products such as tokwa, gluton and veggie meat are the sources of protein. Be aware that we can actually do away with animel protein in our diet. Protein in veggie sources is easilly digested and assimilated by the body and has NO CHOLESTEROL.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Every time you eat, your teeth come under attack. Bacterias that live in your mouth thrive on the sugars and starches in the food you chew. This bacteria forms a sticky plaque that clings to the surface of your teeth. Acids produced by the bacteria in plaque can eat through the hard, white coating on the outside of your teeth (enamel) creating a cavity.

Plaque can also irritate your gums and other tissues that support your teeth, that can lead to gingivitis.

Gingivitis occuts when the part of your gum around the base of your teeth become inflamed and bleeds easily. If unchecked, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis- your gums gradually withdraw from around your teeth and if inflammation occurs in the ligaments and tooth sockets that hold tooth in place. Eventually periodontitis can cause tooth loss.

Be aware, aging can bring changes that may make your teeth more vulnerable to cavities and other problems. But with proper care, your teeth can last a lifetime.

Monday, January 5, 2009


"obesity brings with it a negative body image, low self-esteem, depression and lack of self confidence"

Being fat is not beautiful. Excess weight impairs health and shortens life. As little as 10 to 15 pounds of extra weight produces measurable changes that can lay the foundation for degenerative diseases. And for every 10 lbs overweight, a lifespan can be shortened by as much as a year. Managing obesity requires a comprehensive approach to lifestyle changes.
First, you have to have a life-long commitment that does not change when other serious lapses occur-persevere.

Second,you need to identify and change habits that cause obesity- change of lifestyle;

Third, you must be willing to change. attitude

Be aware, a lifetime of good health include regular exercise, a low-fat high fiber diet and physical, mental, and pychological outlook.


Children cannot live without love. They need to be touched, cuddled, rocked and given positive attention for them to develop properly. They need to have their love cups always filled to overflowing. The most common reason children misbehave is to get attention. When children,as well as adults get positive attention, they feel loved. Without it, life is empty and meaningless. That is why children will often resort to whatever it takes to get attention.

Destructive behavior, threats of suicide, and blatant disobedience are often merely the way the child has chosen to cry "wont someone pay attention to me?"e?"

Be aware, ATTENTION is so important that a child would rather have negative attention than no attention at all.